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The GEOSS Architecture Users and Scientific Communities Served By GEOSS Common Approaches Systems within their Mandates UIC Goal Organize this side of.

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Presentation on theme: "The GEOSS Architecture Users and Scientific Communities Served By GEOSS Common Approaches Systems within their Mandates UIC Goal Organize this side of."— Presentation transcript:

1 The GEOSS Architecture Users and Scientific Communities Served By GEOSS Common Approaches Systems within their Mandates UIC Goal Organize this side of the GEOSS Architecture


3 Any single problem requires many datasets

4 Air Quality Emission Surf. Obs. Satellite Model Population

5 Foreign Ministers LRTP Lead Taskforce Atm. Science Assessors Science Data Handler HTAP GCI “The researcher cannot find the data; If he can find it, cannot access it; but he doesn't know how good they are; and if he finds them good he can not merge them with other data” The Users View of IT, NAS 1989 Data Value Chain for Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants Persistent


7 THE PROBLEM: The researcher cannot find the data; If he can find it cannot access to data; if he can, he can not read them; if he can read them, he does not know how good they are; and if he finds them good he can not merge them with other data Form: Information Technology and the Conduct of Research: The Users View. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 1989 Discovery & +++ W*S NAS 1989: The Users View.


9 GEOSS A single dataset will serve many communities Any single problem requires many datasets Register Discover

10 Service Oriented Architecture Service providers registersh services to a service broker. Service users find the needed service and get access key from a service broker With the access key, users bind to the service provider The result is a dynamic binding mechanism between the service users and providers Service Broker Service Provider Register by ISO “Harvests by CSW” CSW Access Service User Components:Provider – User – Broker Actions: Publish – Find - Bind ISO

11 Service Oriented Architecture Service providers registersh services to a service broker. Service users find the needed service and get access key from a service broker With the access key, users bind to the service provider The result is a dynamic binding mechanism between the service users and providers Service Broker Service Provider Register by ISO “Harvests by CSW” CSW Access Service User Components:Provider – User – Broker Actions: Publish – Find - Bind ISO

12 AQ Dataset Registration Metadata ISO 19115 Facilitation of Market Supply demand Global Broker Improved Find by metadata Easier Registration OGC CSW Core Queriable Air Quality Specific ISO 19115 CSW Profile OGC CSW Returnable Metadata Description

13 EmissionSurf. PollutionSatelliteModelPopulationTransport

14 User – Architecture Committee Link: The Information Interoperability Stack User Engagement Comm. Architecture, Data Comm.

15 Facilitating Tools and Methods for GEOSS Framework Wiki Workspaces GEOSS Core Architecture Service Oriented App. Architecture Core Architecture Community Workspaces Services, Networking

16 The data life cycle consists of the acquisition and the usage parts Usage ActivitiesData Acquisition Data Acquisition and Usage Activities (Select View Show, click to step through PPT) The acquisition part processes the sensory data by firmly linked procedures The focus is on data usage activities The usage activities are more iterative, dynamic procedures The collected and cleaned data are stored in the repository Data Repository The usage cycle transform data into knowledge for decision making Decisions

17 The Air Quality Management Process DETERMINE NECESSARY REDUCTIONS DESIGN CONTROL STRATEGIES IMPLEMENT EVALUATE RESULTS EVALUATE RESULTS ESTABLISH GOALS ESTABLISH GOALS -- National, Regional Rules -e.g. Mobile, NSPS -NOx SIP call, CAIR -- Develop State, Local, Tribal Plans -- State Implementation Plans (SIPs) -- Permits -- Compliance & Enforcement -- National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) --Regional Haze -- Regional Haze -- Monitoring -- Inventories -- Data Analysis & Modeling -- Assess Progress -- Evaluate Effectiveness & Efficiency Scientific Research

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