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Presentation on theme: "HARSÁNYINÉ PETNEHÁZI ÁGNES College of Nyíregyháza."— Presentation transcript:



3 Talents, abilities, which manifest in different fields Intellectual abilities (general and specific) Aesthetic abilities Psychomotor abilities Social giftedness

4 The characteristics of divergent thinking Originality of thought (originality) Flexibility of thought(flexibility) Fluency of thought (fluency)

5 Inquisition, enquiry, thirst after knowledge Hard work, persistence Ambition, achievement motivation Emotional stability



8 . 1 Acceleration Earlier school admission, Class-bound 2. Segregation, separation  Advantage: They do not have to act upon on the abilities of their average peers.  Disadvantage: elite-training-equality of chance 3. Enrichment, beneficiation differentiation within the lessons out of school activities expert camps

9 Talent Support begins in the uterus (and it last till the moment of death)

10 Preschool age: „child should feel well in kindergarten”. -to establish talent development, -to make emotional attachments, -to offer possibilities–

11 Lower school: -to teach the child to write, read and calculate she/he should try her/his abilities/confirmation / - „the foundation of general intellectual development”. Upper school: - strengthening general intellectual abilities, to start with general abilities and edge along specific abilities - Creating opportunities(Grades 5-6), - Starting programs (Grades 6-7), „the child must taste of it”. Secondary school:the period of real talent support „talent development”

12 the inquisitive the active the effective the excellent the top talent is hidden there are at least 60 types of pyramids: I may never know, isn’t he/she talented in other things? backward types (NEVER too late: pension…) If someone only concentrates on the top– he/she looses 20-25 %

13 Disadvantaged children: Those children belong to this category, who live in more reduced circumstances than the average, they are exposed to ambient harms,normally developed and not damaged physiologically.

14 The lack of the school’s objective conditions (overcrowded, lack of classrooms, lack of equipments etc. ), not adequately specialized teachers, the situation of settlement, the lack of infrastructure, the quality of the cultural life of the settlement

15 the lack of family (or unharmed family) low income per capita, unhealthy housing conditions, low-qualified parents, the lifestyle of the family, the lack of emotions, socialization harms of the deviant environment, the lack of care for children,

16 The main aim of the programs:  Literacy disadvantage compensation:  the capacity to meet the challenges of being intellectual,  open to European values,  healthy self-image,  self-management ability,  demand for learning  Creating opportunities:  to get over regional, social, cultural, economic disadvantages,  guidance,  to help educational mobility.

17 Paradigm shift Disadvantaged? NO! Talent, its dénouement is set back by some disadvantage features disadvantage? failure? value! success!

18 Types of programs for developing talents in Hungarian Public Education a) In the educational program of the school, the organizational forms of talent support –course-linked or complex talent support (usually enrichment): department advanced training standard groups faculties differentiation within lessons For example.: Starting from 2003, time period for individual training has been increasing from 5% to 12%. Language preparatory year: in 430 secondary schools, 15000 students in 9th grade b) Extra-curricular programs according to special abilities sport dance theatricals music foreign language astronomy computing drama etc.

19 c, Start on Journey Scholarship Program (more than 20 000 students) „Road to Science” 77 winning research proposals for disadvantaged and multiply disadvantaged students mentor teacher's aid and scholarship: „Road to Secondary School” „Road to High-School Graduation” „Road to Profession”

20 d) János Arany Program for Developing Talents (AJTP) linking enrichment, talent support and disadvantage compensation complex development (5 years) Self-knowledge Communication development Learning methodology scientific substantiation (23 schools-boarding schools-in pairs)

21 What does it give to the teachers (parents)? self-development (professionally, humanly) joy What does it give to the community? talented, creative members community, that manages conflict and learns What does it give to the nation? common break point value-based social mobility

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