Australian National Aquatic Ecosystem (ANAE) Classification Scheme Christopher Auricht and Sarah Imgraben Overview and Status Estuarine-Marine Workshop,

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Presentation on theme: "Australian National Aquatic Ecosystem (ANAE) Classification Scheme Christopher Auricht and Sarah Imgraben Overview and Status Estuarine-Marine Workshop,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Australian National Aquatic Ecosystem (ANAE) Classification Scheme Christopher Auricht and Sarah Imgraben Overview and Status Estuarine-Marine Workshop, Canberra 14 th May 2013

2 Why do we need a national Classification?  Not possible to manage aquatic systems if you don’t know where they are, what they are, and how they function. (Plus information on values, threatening processes & changes over time)  Need to represent the broad range of systems in simple meaningful, discrete and ecologically relevant groups

3 Lake – Lacustrine Vegetated swamp – Palustrine Riverine (+ fringing vegetation) Estuarine & Marine Aquatic Systems

4 Reasons for lack of Integration  Many different classifications systems due to differing reasons / drivers  Riverine – water quality and quantity  Lac and Pal – biodiversity and birds  Estuarine – fisheries and coastal processes  Subterranean – water quantity  Different directions each with specific needs  fragmented and inconsistent national picture

5 Lac Riv (GDE) SUB (GDE) Pal (GDE) Pal Riv Lac (GDE) Mar Est Integrated System

6 Adaptive Management Framework Current Understanding Vision Plan Act Monitor Evaluate Report Communication Project Management Information Management Tools

7 Mapping Overall AE Adaptive Mgmt Framework - Where Classification Fits (Current Understanding) Where they are What they are How they function How are they changing - monitoring Applications for classification HEVAE Mgmt EWR’s Threatened Sp NRS Climate Change CfoC Values, services, threats & pressures

8 Requirements for Generic National System  Applicable at multiple scales (spatial and temporal)  Integrate between different aquatic habitats (functional aspects and connectivity)  Utilise and integrate existing national datasets (remote sensing)  Translation with jurisdictional databases / systems  Workable with different levels of data availability (data rich, data poor)  Transparent, comprehensive, inclusive, easy to use  Scientifically rigorous

9 Classification Approaches  Unstructured – list e.g. Ramsar, DIWA  Abiotic - driver based e.g. River Styles, estuarine, hydrogeomorphic  Biological - bottom-up, species e.g. State-based bioregionalisations  Holistic – combination of abiotic and biotic e.g. Cowardin, IBRA, IMCRA, ANAE e.g. Cowardin, IBRA, IMCRA, ANAE

10 ANAE: Key Features  Based on clearly defined and described attributes at three levels (two regionalisations)  Attributes are key drivers of ecological functioning at different levels  Attributes link to each other in different systems  Allows for a combination of attributes (system) used to determine habitat ‘type’ but types are not specified within the system  Structured but non-hierarchical at system and habitat level  Not all attributes are needed or available all the time

11 Spatial Scales Level 3 Site / Asset Delineation Classification

12 ANAE Structure

13 Structure - unpacked

14 Level 1 A broad driver based AE Regionalisation:  Landform – broad scale physiographic units from existing national regionalisation datasets provide the bio- geographic and evolutionary context for aquatic ecosystems and habitats  Climate – existing broad scale climate regionalisations e.g. Köppen, capture the broad differences in climate (temperature, rainfall and seasons) which are considered contemporary modifiers of the bio-geographic distribution and evolutionary traits of aquatic habitats  Hydrology – broad scale drainage divisions which capture the catchments within which aquatic habitats occur


16 Level 2 A number of datasets and regionalisations exist that are appropriate to the landscape covering the thematic areas of:  Topography  Landform (inc floodplain / non-floodplain)  Water influence


18 Level 3 and attributes

19 Attributes: Inland & Coastal Surface Aquatics (lacustrine / palustrine / riverine)  Water Source surface (flood/non-floodplain), groundwater, both surface (flood/non-floodplain), groundwater, both  Water Type saline, fresh saline, fresh pH pH  Water Regime permanent, intermittent, ephemeral permanent, intermittent, ephemeral  Substrate / Soil peat, mineral, rock peat, mineral, rock  Vegetation / Fringing Veg forested, shrub, sedge/grass/forb or no emergent vegetation forested, shrub, sedge/grass/forb or no emergent vegetation  Confinement (rivers only)

20 Attributes: Subterranean (Draft)  Water Type  Surface Water Connectivity (Inflow)  Water Source / Connectivity  Inundation  Saturation State  Void Size  Residence Time  Confinement

21 Attributes: Estuarine and Marine (Draft)  Substrate  Structural Macrobiota  Water Depth  Light Availability  Nutrient Availability  Exposure

22 Case Study - Lake Eyre Basin

23 NumberLandformConnectivityWater sourceWater regimeWater type 1LowlandFloodplainSurface waterPermanentFresh 2LowlandFloodplainSurface waterPermanentSaline 3LowlandFloodplainSurface waterNon-PermanentFresh 4LowlandFloodplainSurface waterNon-PermanentSaline 5LowlandNon-FloodplainGround water - unconfinedPermanentFresh 6LowlandNon-FloodplainGround water - unconfinedPermanentSaline 7LowlandNon-FloodplainGround waterNon-PermanentFresh 8LowlandNon-FloodplainGround waterNon-PermanentSaline 9LowlandNon-FloodplainSurface waterPermanentFresh 10LowlandNon-FloodplainSurface waterPermanentSaline 11LowlandNon-FloodplainSurface waterNon-PermanentFresh 12LowlandNon-FloodplainSurface waterNon-PermanentSaline 13UplandFloodplainSurface waterPermanentFresh 14UplandFloodplainSurface waterPermanentSaline 15UplandFloodplainSurface waterNon-PermanentFresh 16UplandFloodplainSurface waterNon-PermanentSaline 17UplandNon-FloodplainGround waterPermanentFresh 18UplandNon-FloodplainGround waterPermanentSaline 19UplandNon-FloodplainGround waterNon-PermanentFresh 20UplandNon-FloodplainGround waterNon-PermanentSaline 21UplandNon-FloodplainSurface waterPermanentFresh 22UplandNon-FloodplainSurface waterPermanentSaline 23UplandNon-FloodplainSurface waterNon-PermanentFresh 24UplandNon-FloodplainSurface waterNon-PermanentSaline 25Unknown - not necessarily unknown but that we don’t have all 5 core attributes to classify it. 26LowlandNon-FloodplainGround water - artesianPermanentFresh 27LowlandNon-FloodplainGround water - artesianPermanentSaline


25 Pros of the process  Transparent system  Practical - efficient and effective  No gaps  Inclusive - can be widely applied throughout Australia – range of spatial and vertical scales  Attributes are used as necessary – not hierarchical  Attributes can be retrospectively applied to existing spatial datasets

26 ANAE Status  AETG Classification Workshop October 2008, plus updates / discussion at AETG meetings 2009 and 2010  Concept to develop ANAE Classification Scheme (based on attributes and regionalisations) endorsed by NRPPC Meeting No 21, May 2009  Continued development process  Number of workshops and trials - Utility and application + ability to map existing systems into national system. (Throughout 2009 – 2010 period)

27 ANAE Status - continued  Briefing to Australian Government, Canberra (also QLD) (June 2010)  Formal approval AETG, Min Council (2010 – 2012)  Aquatic Ecosystems Toolkit Module 2 Interim ANAE Classification a  Development of attributes – Lacustrine and Palustrine – (reworked / updated  Connectivity. Trialled in LEB, Sth East and WA). Input to GDE Atlas Lacustrine and Palustrine – (reworked / updated  Connectivity. Trialled in LEB, Sth East and WA). Input to GDE Atlas Riverine (workshop Adelaide, April 2010 – draft attributes  Current trial in MDBA). Riverine (workshop Adelaide, April 2010 – draft attributes  Current trial in MDBA). Subterranean (workshop Adelaide, April 2010)  Input to GDE Atlas Subterranean (workshop Adelaide, April 2010)  Input to GDE Atlas Estuarine / Marine – need to split level 3 attributes (NEN & ICAG) Estuarine / Marine – need to split level 3 attributes (NEN & ICAG)

28 Estuarine/Marine Attributes  Where/how do Estuarine and Marine systems fit within the scheme (Level 2 and 3)  What are the type/s of systems?  What attributes are required to ensure that the range of systems is integrated within the existing ANAE classification and/or reflected in the Asset identification process?  Are such measures consistent with the intent of the ANAE and can they be used to inform representativeness of assets?  Linkage with other systems e.g. OzCoasts & Catami

29 Issues  Practical application  Spatial Scale  Where does and estuary start and stop  Periodicity  Mixing  Water column and floor

30 For Information  Christopher Auricht 08 8377 3460 08 8377 3460  Di Conrick (AG - SEWPAC) 02 6275 9795 02 6275 9795

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