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1. x = -1.79 2. x = -2 3. x = -20 4. x = 8.79 5. x = -3 6. x = 24 7. x = 18.27 8. x = -20.46 9. x = 14.9 10. x = -22 11. x = -2.01 12. x = 4 Story Problems.

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Presentation on theme: "1. x = -1.79 2. x = -2 3. x = -20 4. x = 8.79 5. x = -3 6. x = 24 7. x = 18.27 8. x = -20.46 9. x = 14.9 10. x = -22 11. x = -2.01 12. x = 4 Story Problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. x = -1.79 2. x = -2 3. x = -20 4. x = 8.79 5. x = -3 6. x = 24 7. x = 18.27 8. x = -20.46 9. x = 14.9 10. x = -22 11. x = -2.01 12. x = 4 Story Problems (variables can be any letter) 1.z + 3 = 184. p = 12 years 2.z = 15 years5. 15.8 – t = 14.2; t = 1.6 hours 3.p – 8 = 46. -5 + (-1) + s = -8; s = -2 par


3 Commutative means that the order does not make any difference. a + b = b + aa b = b a Examples 4 + 5 = 5 + 4 2 3 = 3 2 The commutative property does not work for subtraction or division.

4 Using the Commutative Property = –54 + (–16) + 35 = –70 + 35 = –35 Change subtraction to addition. Commutative property of addition Add –54 and –16. Add –70 and 35. = –54 + 35 + (–16 ) –54 + 35 – 16

5 Use the commutative property to evaluate the expression. Commutative property of multiplication. Multiply 4 and 25. Multiply. 4 (–9) (25) 100 (–9) = (4) (25)(–9) = –900 =

6 Associative means that the grouping does not make any difference. (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) (ab) c = a (bc) Examples (1 + 2) + 3 = 1 + (2 + 3) (2 3) 4 = 2 (3 4) The associative property does not work for subtraction or division.

7 Associative property of addition. Add fractions. Add. Use the associative property to evaluate the expression. Write as one.

8 Using the Associative Property Commutative property of multiplication. Associative property of multiplication. Multiply inside grouping symbols. Multiply.

9 Any number added to its opposite is always zero. Examples: 5 + (-5) = 0 -10 + 10 = 0

10 20 + (6 – 20) Use properties to evaluate the expression. = 20 + [(-20) + 6] = [20 + (-20)] + 6 = 0 + 6 = 6 Commutative property of addition. Associative property of addition. Add. Inverse Property of addition.

11 Any number multiplied by its reciprocal is one. Examples:

12 Use properties to evaluate the expression. Commutative property of multiplication. Associative property of multiplication. Inverse property of multiplication. Multiply.

13 Practice: Worksheet

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