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Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development Harmony and Conflict in Leadership Teams Causes and Effects.

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1 Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development Harmony and Conflict in Leadership Teams Causes and Effects

2 Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development Introduction Effective leadership demands that the responsibilities and authority of leadership must be shared and coordinated. The pastor cannot do it all. Actually, he can’t even do the things that must be done alone, but he can bring a team of people together to do what needs to be done to grow a healthy church that pursues the purpose of God.

3 Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development Introduction “The truth is that good ideas, noble intentions, brilliant inventions, and miraculous discoveries go nowhere unless somebody forms a team to act on them” Laurie Beth Jones, Jesus CEO

4 Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development Introduction Where there is harmony and teamwork, there is effective progress toward achieving God’s purpose. Where there is conflict and division there is paralysis and failure.

5 Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development What can Promote Harmony in Leadership Teams? 1)Establish a clear line of authority: “To build a great church, it is absolutely necessary that the pastor have authority to hire and fire personnel” (Dale Galloway, Building Teams in Ministry). 2)Have a clearly defined church purpose statement. a)You cannot have an effective team unless the team members are in agreement with the leader of the team. b)The purpose and vision cannot be decided by committee, it must be something that is revealed to the leader by God. c)The statements must be in harmony with the general-purpose statement.

6 Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development What can Promote Harmony in Leadership Teams? 3)Choose team players. a)Exercise diligence b)Competency and experience are important, and character issues must not be overlooked or underestimated. c)Emotionally unhealthy people are almost sure to cause conflict and problems.

7 Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development What can Promote Harmony in Leadership Teams? 3)Choose team players (continued). d)How can you be sure a you are looking at a healthy person? 1)You cannot be 100% sure, but a person who has never wrestled with how his upbringing impacts his adult relationships are a sure bet for a barrel of conflict. 2)Were you raised in a perfect family? (The typical answer is no.) Then you probe deeper. 3)How did your parents let you down? 4)Have you worked through that?

8 Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development What can Promote Harmony in Leadership Teams? 3)Choose team players (continued). e.People on the journey toward health generally answer yes to two important questions 1)Will you admit that you have baggage from your past? 2)Will you do honest work on it so it does not distort your relationships and work here? f.Questions should be asked about previous assignments. 1)Did they have problems with senior pastor? 2)Did they relate well with other members of the staff? 3)Did they get along well with the people they served?

9 Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development 4)Define roles and responsibilities. a)Each team member must understand his role on the leadership team as it relates to the team leader. b)If the team is to be successful they must mutually support one another. c)It is not about individual ministry success but team success. d)The responsibilities of each team member should be clearly defined. e)A thorough presentation of the roles and responsibilities of team members should be made when new team members are being recruited and should be followed up when a new team member comes on staff. What can Promote Harmony in Leadership Teams?

10 Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development 5)Give ongoing support to team members. a)Do not only expect loyalty and support from the leadership team, but extend it. b)The support is two-fold. 1)Speak well of the team. 2)Support each team member’s spiritual, emotional, and ministerial growth through mentoring and coaching. 3)If the team members are paid staff the pastor should work with the church board to provide a generous compensation package. What can Promote Harmony in Leadership Teams?

11 Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development What can Promote Harmony in Leadership Teams? 6)Create an atmosphere of community. a)The leadership team should see themselves as more than just business partners; they should be viewed as family, friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ. b)If the relationships among the group members are not strong and healthy, destructive conflict will be the result. c)Three components to building true friendships: 1)Pray together. 2)Have fun together. 3)Spend time together.

12 Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development What can Promote Harmony in Leadership Teams? 6)Create an atmosphere of community (continued). d)Being in community does not mean demanding conformity; unity does not demand uniformity. e)It is acceptable for team members to disagree but it is important they do it in an agreeable way and to respect the other’s opinion.

13 Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development What can Promote Harmony in Leadership Teams? 7)Practice good communication. a)Good communication involves what the pastor tells the leadership team, what the leadership team tells the pastor, and what the leadership team tells each other. b)Weekly leadership team meetings are important. c)A sample leadership team meeting agenda could cover: praises, prayer requests, prayer, Sunday bulletin and monthly newsletter items, upcoming ministry events, new comers update, hospital update, ministry calendar updates, …

14 Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development What can Promote Harmony in Leadership Teams? 8)Do not play favorites. a)This can be a pastors biggest challenge. b)The slightest perception of favoritism, can be destructive to the harmony of the team. c)Be sure that each team member is treated equally.

15 Copyright 2004 by Larry G. Hess, Ministerial Development Conclusion One of the most important duties of the senior pastor is to assemble his leadership team and lead them forward in unity to do God’s will. It will take preparation, perseverance, and a servant’s heart to be successful, but the success of the church depends upon the success of the leadership team.

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