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Today is a special day for many people who were born in another country, moved to this country, and want to become a citizen of the United States of America.

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Presentation on theme: "Today is a special day for many people who were born in another country, moved to this country, and want to become a citizen of the United States of America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today is a special day for many people who were born in another country, moved to this country, and want to become a citizen of the United States of America. To become a citizen an oath is taken. A promise is made to be a good citizen. A judge asks each person or family to promise to follow the rules set forth in the Constitution. The pledge of allegiance to our flag is said together. Most of us are citizens of our country by birth. If you were taking an oath today to become an American citizen, what would you tell the judge to convince him that you are a good citizen? Remember that you can help your government by being a good citizen. That means obeying the law and helping others where you live.

2 Three Part’s of Our Nation’s Government: Congress, President, and Courts What do judges hold to help protect our rights?

3 NavyArmy

4 Trial By Jury The Supreme Court

5 The U.S. Capitol Building U.S. Congress The White House President

6 Independence Hall, Philadelphia The Assembly Room Independence Hall

7 Citizens of the United States choose their leaders. Elections are held to pick leaders. They are chosen by voting.

8 People pay different kinds of taxes to the government. Taxes pay for the services your government provides. Our leaders make laws. A law is a rule that everyone must follow. Laws protect us. Name a law that should be followed in your town.

9 Freedom of Religion Freedom to Assemble

10 Supreme Court Justices Power to print and coin currency

11 Benjamin Franklin Gouverneur Morris Alexander Hamilton Patrick Henry

12 John Jay James Madison George Washington



15 I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Pledge of Allegiance

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