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Leadership Qualities Objective 1.01: Discuss leadership qualities desired by the small animal industry.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Qualities Objective 1.01: Discuss leadership qualities desired by the small animal industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Qualities Objective 1.01: Discuss leadership qualities desired by the small animal industry

2 Leadership Qualities Integrity – _______________ Courage – ______________________________________ Management – Using __________________________________ to reach a goal

3 Leadership Qualities ______________________ – Placing the desires and welfare of others above yourself -_____________________ – Reliable support for an individual, group or cause ________________________ – Energy to do a job and the inspiration to encourage others

4 Leadership Qualities Plan – Able to _________________, determine procedures Knowledge – ____________________________________ Tact – Enjoying and doing the right thing without ________________________

5 B. Program Components Objective 1.01:

6 Components of the Program 1-Supervised Agricultural Experience – ______________________ What will we be doing with the SAE? GLAD YOU ASKED! LETS FIND OUT!

7 Supervised Agricultural Experience You will be required to complete a SAE project this semester for my class. You will complete the project for a grade

8 What do I do now? What can I do for my SAE? – Run my own Business (_____________________) Mowing Yards or landscaping Pet sitting/ cleaning Cutting Trees, etc Re building motors, servicing vehicles

9 What else? Work for volunteer hours (________________) – Vet or animal shelter – Data entry – Newspaper – US forest service – Any job or volunteer that can be ag related

10 Other options You can do a _______________ project – Amount of fertilizer needed to grow 20 tomatoes per month off of 1 plant – * you can do a market analysis

11 So you have done this already? Even if you completed a project last semester, you must do one this semester. It can be the same topic, you just add more hours or you can pick a new topic!

12 B- Components of instructional Program 2- ___________________________ – Studying and learning subject matter in the classroom. 3-____________________ Instruction – Learn by demonstration

13 4- FFA Student Organization Club or Student Organization Develops Citizenship & _______________________________ – Developed through _____________ public speaking creed (freshmen only) agriculture sales poultry, dairy and livestock oral reasons parliamentary procedures

14 5- Cooperative Extension Service Educational agency of _____________ and part of the university system – NC State and NC A& T in North Carolina Sponsors __________ clubs – used to enhance personal development and provide skill development – Much like a Community AG Group/ FFA

15 What is Leadership? Lead and inspire people. Don't try to manage and manipulate people. Inventories can be managed but people must be lead. - Ross Perot Leadership has a harder job to do than just choose sides. It must bring sides together. - Jesse Jackson

16 What is Leadership? The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been. - Henry Kissinger Where there is no vision, the people perish. - Proverbs 29:18 Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. - Abraham Lincoln

17 Assignment 1- Use a clean sheet of paper – Use markers and make it large enough to fit the paper – Develop your own Leadership quote! 2- On the opposite side write as many qualities of good leadership as possible

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