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Production of Beams: - Stable beams from Be-U, 48 Ca ~3.10 12 pps, 238 U ~2.10 10 pps ~60 A.MeV for Ni -RIB in-target fragmentation Noble gas (i.e. 6 He.

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Presentation on theme: "Production of Beams: - Stable beams from Be-U, 48 Ca ~3.10 12 pps, 238 U ~2.10 10 pps ~60 A.MeV for Ni -RIB in-target fragmentation Noble gas (i.e. 6 He."— Presentation transcript:

1 Production of Beams: - Stable beams from Be-U, 48 Ca ~3.10 12 pps, 238 U ~2.10 10 pps ~60 A.MeV for Ni -RIB in-target fragmentation Noble gas (i.e. 6 He ~ 5.10 6 pps) ~12A.MeV/CIME, alkali in prep -SIRA test bench -SME interdiscplinary research EXPERIMENTAL AREAS General presentation of the GANIL/SPIRAL1 facility Spectrometers: LISE Production by fragmentation/ high selectivity VAMOS High acceptance spectrometer  E/E~10 -3,  p/p~5%,  =8° SPEG High resolution spectrometer  E/E~10 -4,  p/p~3.5%,  =2°

2 Si Si(Li) CsI Electronics EXOGAM INDRA MAYA Available detectors

3 Highlights -1- Haloes, resonances and clusters  6 He n n  8 He n n Larger charge radius of 6 He than 8 He (laser spec.) P. Mueller et al., ANL, Univ Chicago, GANIL, Los Alamos 7H7H Resonant state in 7 H M. Caamano et al., USC, GANIL, Liverpool, CEA Saclay, Daresbury, Krakow,… 2 neutrons fusion enhanced angle Correlation of towed neutrons Relative angle 6 He M. Assié et al., IPNO, GANIL, LPC, NSCL, Uppsala, Surrey, Subatech,… M. Chatterjee et al., Mumbai, GANIL, Warsaw, NSCL, CEA Saclay, Daresbury, Surrey,…

4 Highlights 2: Nuclear structure / spectroscopy Low 2+ energy in 42 Si In beam  spectro B. Bastin et al., LPC, GANIL, IPNO, Bucharest, CEA Saclay, Bonn… - 10 - 6 - 2 0 - 8 - 4 SPE(MeV) + 2 f 7/2 p 3/2 p 1/2 f 5/2 28 49 Ca 47 Ar 20 18 N=29 Reduction of N=28 and SO splittings (d,p) with MUST L. Gaudefroy et al., IPNO, GANIL, Debrecen, CEA Saclay, Mainz, Dubna… p 3/2 p 1/2 f 7/2 f 5/2 47 Ar

5 Fusion to reach superheavies, channeling in a monocristal -> lifetimes monocristal t short t long proj Highlights 3 Production/study of super heavy elements M. Morjean et al., GANIL, IPNO, CEA Saclay, INSP Paris, Bucharest, IPNL 0  (deg) Normalized Yield Fusion-Fission 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 U sequential fission + … Quasi-elastic(target) Location island of superheavies : Increased lifetimes for Z=120 and 124, not for Z=114 238 U+Ni

6 Isospin dependence of the symmetry energy (INDRA@VAMOS) 40-48 Ca + 40-48 Ca @ 35 MeV/A Z=N C O Ne Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca IPN Orsay, GANIL, Catania, Quebec, GSI… Highlights 4 - Matter compressibility/ Dense matter Monopole resonance in 56 Ni (MAYA) L=0 Nuclear matter incompressibility K ∞ IPN Orsay, Liverpool, GANIL, USC, CEA Saclay …

7 New Trends 1 : deep inelastic collisions, fusion-fission Q Q D 45° 238 U, 6.5 MeV/u drift chamber: x,y Se - D: trigger, t 1 ionisation chamber:  E silicon wall: E, t 2 62 Fe 64 Ni Mg v1v1 v2v2 1x180° 3x135° 5x90° 62 Fe Deep inelastic collisions : spectroscopy and lifetimes CEA Saclay, GANIL, Legnaro, … 12 C+ 238 U fission fragments (FF) GANIL, GSI, USC, CENBG, IPNL, … Isotopic distrib of FF Production rates Nuclear spectroscopy with FF High 238 U beam intensity (>100nAe) Increase of VAMOS acceptance (x3) Construction of a rotating target Focal plane detection for decay tagging (MUSETT) Upgrade of EXOGAM – DEBATED NOW ! UPGRADE VAMOS

8 Next Spring : -(d,p) for (n,  ) in 60 Fe ; -size of N=50 gap in 68 Ni ; -density dependence of SO MUST2 + annular Si + EXOGAM (F. Hammache, G. Duchêne, O. Sorlin IPN Orsay, GANIL, IReS Strasbourg, CEA Saclay, Univ. Madrid, Barcelona) New trends 2 - Transfer reactions (d,p), (p,t), (d,t), (d, 3 He) Last year campaign – SPIRAL1 beams : 20 O (d,p), (d,t); 26 Ne (d,p) (d,t) MUST2 + TIARA + EXOGAM (B. Fernandez, R. Lemmon, Univ. Surrey, Guilford, Manchester, IPN Orsay, GANIL, CEA Saclay, USC …) 20 O (d,t) – A. Ramus

9 indirect direct  (mb) 14 O( ,p) 17 F 18 F(p,  ) 15 O New trends 3 - Nuclear astrophysics 14 O( ,p) to break-out from CNO cycle 18 F(p,  ) which destroys 18 F cosmic abundance Univ. of Edinburgh, GANIL, IPN Orsay, Univ. York, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, U L Bruxelles, UPC-IEEC, Barcelona

10 Available detectors / Future plans + detectors temporary installed : neutron wall, Demon, … INDRA : 4  – charged particle array for high energies -> AZ4  / FAZIA: pulse shape analysis for detection in A and Z, higly segmented. MUST2 : charged particle array, highly segmented and versatile, low energy EXOGAM : 12 segmented clover Ge detectors, low energy , high versatility -> EXOGAM 2 : pulse shape analysis, improve localization, higher count rate MAYA : gas filled target, vertex localization of the reaction, tracking of particles

11 Highlights 3 Production/study of super heavy elements Fusion to reach superheavies, channeling in a monocristal -> lifetimes M. Morjean et al., GANIL, IPNO, CEA Saclay, INSP Paris, Bucharest, IPNL Location of island of superheavies : Increased lifetimes for Z=120 and 124, not for Z=114 0  (deg) Normalized Yield Fusion-Fission 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 U sequential fission + … Quasi-elastic(target)

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