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Presentation on theme: "SHIP BASED RESEARCH JOIDES Resolution Expedition."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHIP BASED RESEARCH JOIDES Resolution Expedition

2 SHIP BASED RESEARCH Setting the Drill Location

3 SHIP BASED RESEARCH Bringing the Core on Deck

4 <-Post Impact MicroFossils and Ocean <-Layer of Ash Raining down <-Meteor Impact 66 Million Years ago <-Pre Impact Ocean and Microfossils SHIP BASED RESEARCH Observation (Data Collection): Qualitative

5 SHIP BASED RESEARCH Observation (Data Collection): Quantitative

6 SHIP BASED RESEARCH Core Sampling Process: Selecting and Sampling an Interval in the Core

7 SHIP BASED RESEARCH Core Sampling Process: Labeling

8 SHIP BASED RESEARCH Core Sampling Process: Recording the Sample

9 LAND BASED RESEARCH Writing and Submitting a Sample Request

10 LAND BASED RESEARCH Dr. Quan Receives Requested Core Samples!

11 LAND BASED RESEARCH Preparing Core Samples for Scientific Analysis: Grinding the Sample

12 LAND BASED RESEARCH Preparing Core Samples for Scientific Analysis: Weighing the Sample

13 LAND BASED RESEARCH Preparing Core Samples for Scientific Analysis: Rolling Sample for the Elemental Analyzer

14 gas tubing Elemental Analyzer Mass spectro- meter LAND BASED RESEARCH Preparing Core Samples for Scientific Analysis: Combusting the Sample

15 Ions from Elemental Analyzer Heaviest Ions Electromagnet Middle Weight Ion Lightest Ions LAND BASED RESEARCH Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer Analysis

16 LAND BASED RESEARCH Data Display from Sample Analysis


18 LAND BASED RESEARCH Interpreting Results

19 LAND BASED RESEARCH Publishing Findings

20 LAND BASED RESEARCH Presenting Findings

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