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Management of Semantic Instances in resources using SPARQL update operation with HTTP verbs Group Name: MAS 19 Source: Minwoo Ryu, jaeho Kim, Sungchan.

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Presentation on theme: "Management of Semantic Instances in resources using SPARQL update operation with HTTP verbs Group Name: MAS 19 Source: Minwoo Ryu, jaeho Kim, Sungchan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management of Semantic Instances in resources using SPARQL update operation with HTTP verbs Group Name: MAS 19 Source: Minwoo Ryu, jaeho Kim, Sungchan Choi, KETI, Meeting Date: 2015-09-07 Agenda Item: WI-0005 (TR-0007) MAS-2015-0632-Management_of_Semantic_Instance_in_semanticDescriptor

2 Overview Management Semantic Instances in resources Existing Approaches Concrete Example: Managing Semantic Instances SPARQL 1.1 Update Operation Proposed Solution 2

3 Management Semantic Instances in resources Following requirements specified in TS-0002 V2.0, capabilites are required to manage semantic information about the oneM2M resources. oneM2M system shall support to manage a specific semantic instance in a resource using SPARQL update operation Requirement IDDescriptionRelease ANN-001 The M2M System shall provide capabilities to manage semantic information about the oneM2M resources, e.g, create, retrieve, update, delete, associate/link.

4 Existing Approaches Managing semantic instances – In the semantic web, semantic instances can be managed by SPARQL update operation such as INSERT, DELETE, and DELETE/INSERT which are provided by SPARQL 1.1 update operation. – However, in the oneM2M system, to change a semantic instances in a resource, the system have to overwrite the resource using CRUD methods  it’s not an efficient approach

5 Concrete Example: Managing Semantic Instances Apllication Host: Method: PUT … -------------------------- data -------------------------- Samsung Very cool Washing Machine """""""""" oneM2M Resource Structure Device A Operation A LG """" Samsung In the oneM2M system, to change a semantic instances in a resource, the system have to change whole semantic instances change

6 SPARQL 1.1 Update Operation SPARQL 1.1 update operations support to change existing semantic instances in the triple store – INSERT DATA: INSERT DATA operation adds some triples, given inline in the request, into a graph. This SHOULD create the destination graph if it does not exist. If the graph does not exist and it can not be created for any reason, then a failure MIST be returned. – DELETE DATA: DELETE DATA operation removes some triples, given inline in the request, if the respective graph contains those. – DELETE/INSERT DATA: DELETE/INSERT DATA operation can be used to remove or add triples from/to the triple store based on bindings for a query pattern specified in a WHERE clause. SPARQL 1.1 Update Operation using HTTP GET or HTTP POST method.

7 Proposed Solution Assumption: – SPAQRL engine for discovering semantic instances in resources is implemented in oneM2M system. – Semantic information for resources (e.g.,,, and ) already defined in thier resource by other applications. Proposed solution – To manage semantic instances in resources, the solution is to use SPARQL 1.1 update operation using HTTP verbs. – In addition, the solution can create or retrieve a specific semantic instance in a resource.

8 Concrete Example (update) Apllication POST /deviceA/OperationA/semanticDescriptor?default HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: text/turtle …... RDF payload... DELET {?manufacture saref:hasManufacture ‘LG’ } INSERT{?manufacture saref:hasManufacture ‘Samsung’ } WHERE { ?manufacture saref:hasManufacture ‘LG’} oneM2M Resource Structure Device A Operation A LG """" Samsung Change semantic instance using SPARQL update operation The application access to desire a resource for changing semantic instances At this time, the application use POST method including for changing new semantic instances with SPARQL update operation (i.e., DELETE/INSERT DATA).

9 Impact on TR-0007 Need to reflect for managing semantic instances in TR-0007

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