Understanding Registry Resources 2002 Immunization Registry Conference October 28, 2002 Philadelphia, PA.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Registry Resources 2002 Immunization Registry Conference October 28, 2002 Philadelphia, PA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Registry Resources 2002 Immunization Registry Conference October 28, 2002 Philadelphia, PA

2 Authors Partners In Health Systems Katie Reed, MPA Maureen Murphy, MPA Onondaga County Health Department Cynthia O’Connor, MPA

3 Why is it important? For planners, managers, decision makers to understand the unique nature of the world we work in and are familiar with the structures available to support it. Under-funded or poor allocation of resources is a recipe for frustration and failure.

4 Partners In Health Systems Company contracted to manage, maintain and support regional registries across much of Upstate New York since 1995. Registry Application, “HealthyShot” Currently installed in 31 counties in 200+ sites. Now working as a statewide registry.

5 Registry Deployment 101 Collaborative efforts with Lead Agencies, Onondaga County and Monroe County, and NYSDOH. Software that works, meets the needs of the docs and is supportable in the “technical sense”. Recruit, recruit, recruit. Yet, more is needed.

6 Our Team Project Manager/Recruiter/Marketing Software Engineer ½ Support Person ½ Health Educator/Recruiter

7 Our Goal Have the immunization registry, through the use of HealthyShot, be an “interactive” tool used in the office daily. In the immunization world to have an immunization registry be synonymous with syringe.

8 Develop a piece of software doctors will allow us to install. Send us data. Continue to gain consent. Use reports in their day to day immunization business. Registry Deployment 201

9 What stands in the way of success? Software is being deployed and initial data is collected, then, Office staff changes Kids get sick Priorities change

10 Immunization Registry Deployment Deployment  Technical Software Architecture Software Design  Programmatic Recruitment Consent Gaining

11 Understanding Registry Support Need to be able to do more then answer questions. Continued presence needed at the office level:  Maintain routine contact, either on the phone or by a visit  Encourage continued and increase use of software as a result of enhancements, oohs and aahs meter shouldn’t be underestimated  Encourage consent gaining

12 Understanding Registry Support Provide opportunities to interact  Quarterly User Meetings  Newsletters  Conferences Solidify role in immunization world  Don’t separate from the IAP side of things

13 Project Necessities Recognizing that you will constantly need to support:  Application – must be responsive  Program objectives – must be a partner  Staff – it is a lot of work, yet they are the ones who are going to maintain the “energy” needed

14 Our Team NOW Project Management Project Coordinator/Recruitment Software Development Account Managers Implementation Representatives Health Educator Outreach Staff

15 The “WE” of the project PHS  Project Manager  Project Coordinator  Software Engineer  Database Administrator  Account Manager  Implementation Representative OCHD – Lead Agency  Project Administrator  Health Educator  Outreach Staff MCHD – Lead Agency  Project Administrator NYSDOH Regional Staff and LHU staff

16 Contact Information Katie Reed Director, Public Health Partners In Health Systems PO Box 249 5703 Enterprise Parkway Dewitt, NY 13214 315-446-1612 ext 7217 kreed@phs-us.com

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