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This is a lot of history to cover in a class period, but Mrs. Sunda will try her best to get through it and educate you all about why the world is the.

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2 This is a lot of history to cover in a class period, but Mrs. Sunda will try her best to get through it and educate you all about why the world is the way it is today! Recent History & Modern Issues/Ideas

3 This is how it is going to work today! Every time you see a on the slide, you must write down at least one fact from that slide! Pretty easy!


5 September 11, 2001 Bush: the U.S. would go after any nation that supported terrorists Preemption- get terrorist first Unilateral action- didn’t need support Extending the “rewards of liberty” The Bush Doctrine Preemption/ Unilateral Action

6 Afghan History Afghanistan's location along the Silk/Spice Road has allowed the country to serve as an important link between east and west throughout history Great Britain & Russia fought over Afghanistan as far back as the 18 th & 19 th centuries Soviet Union invaded in 1979 and installed a Communist government From 1979-1989, Afghanistan became a battleground of the Cold War between the US- USSR (with the U.S. supporting Afghans who resisted the Soviets)

7 Afghan History Soviet Union withdrew in 1989, but civil war erupted among factions of guerilla fighters Civil war continued until 1996, when hard-line group known as the Taliban seized power Taliban seized power and imposed a strict interpretation of Islam

8 The link between September 11 th and Afghanistan Afghans did NOT carry out the terrorist attacks on the U.S. Al-Qaeda, a terrorist network operating within Afghanistan and other places, did Many Afghans expressed their sympathy with the people of the U.S. after Sept. 11 After September 11, the U.S. invaded Afghanistan and toppled the Taliban for sheltering Osama bin Laden

9 U.S. & U.K. invade on Oct. 7, 2001 May 1, 2011- bin Laden was killed by U.S. Forces in Pakistan – Covert intelligence U.S. and NATO forces remain in Afghanistan. U.S. troop withdraw: – 10,000 troops – 2011 – 23,000 troops– 2012 – Complete withdrawal by 2014 – Possibly 9 U.S. bases will be installed

10 Why Iraq?

11 Persian Gulf War – Operation Desert Storm August 1990-February 1991 34 coalition forces led by U.S. to against Iraq’s invasion and annexation of Kuwait. Air & ground attacks Results: Able to push Saddam back into Iraq and out of Kuwait! Coalition forces lose around 700 people No need for an invasion of Iraq

12 *2001-2003- Following the 9/11 attacks, U.S. suspicion of Iraq increases. *2002- Bush administration agrees that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, despite United Nations inspections which found no sign of weapons of mass destruction. *2002-2003-World powers push for further investigation. *March 20, 2003- American and British troops invade Iraq. *December 2003- Saddam Hussein is captured and no weapons of mass destruction are discovered. *2004- 9/11 Commission concluded that there was no “collaborative relationship” between Iraq and al-Qaeda (terrorist group responsible for 9/11 attacks). *2004-2011- The U.S. forces train the Iraqi Army *January 30, 2005-Iraq holds its first free elections in 50 years *April 7, 2005- Jalal Talabani becomes President of Iraq. *February 2009 - President Obama announced that all remaining U.S. troops and trainers will leave Iraq by the end of the 2011. *December 31, 2011- All U.S. troops withdraw from Iraq. PREEMPTIONPREEMPTION

13 Africa

14 Rwandan Genocide The Rwandan Genocide was the 1994 mass murder of an estimated 800,000 people in the small nation of Rwanda. Over the course of approximately 100 days around 20% of the country's total population was murdered. It was the result of longstanding ethnic competition and tensions between the minority Tutsi, who had controlled power for centuries, and the majority Hutu peoples, who had come to power in the rebellion of 1959–1962 and overthrown the Tutsi monarchy. RwandaTutsiHutu In 2003 a new Constitution was developed.

15 Middle East- Arab Spring Just like the Prague Spring in the 1960’s in Czechoslovakia- the Middle East rebellions are movements against repressive governments!

16 Egypt’s Rebellion President Mubarak was in power in Egypt from 1981-2011. Overthrown after 18 days of protest. Jan. 25- Feb. 11, 2011 May 12 th, 2012-Egypt held it’s first free & fair presidential election in modern history but later removed the President from power. Currently, an interim gov’t is in charge and in January they wrote a new constitution!

17 Colonel MuammaR Qaddafi Was Libya’s Leader Since 1969! Captured & killed in his hometown on Oct. 20, 2011 US had ordered air strikes on Qaddafi in 1986 & 2011 Yesterday, Libya announced a new Prime Minster!

18 Bashar al- Assad Current “President” of Syria, His father ruled Syria for 29 years until his death in 2000. Al-Assad was elected in 2000 and 2007, unopposed each time. Protests started in January 2011. Protesters called for political reforms and the re-instatement of civil rights. Significant proof that Assad regime has used chemical weapons on Syrian people. Currently regime kind of working with the UN to remove these weapons. Sources report that as many as 150,000 people have been killed! Middle East- Arab Spring

19 Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani سید علی حسینی خامنه ‌ ای حسن روحانی

20 Ukraine Euromaidan protests in late 2013 President is forced to resign In the meantime, Putin (Russia) sees the unrest in Ukraine Crimean people voted to become a part of Russia Putin ready to response to Ukrainian crisis with military force in order to ease unrest.

21 Modern Issues and Ideas

22 The Big Bang Theory Occurred 13.75 billion years ago Universe was extremely dense and hot and expanding rapidly Rapid expansion caused universe to cool, allowing energy to be converted into subatomic particles Universe continues to expand today, taking galaxies with it

23 And Then There Was Food, LOTS OF IT!!! Rapid growth of global population demanded an increase in agricultural production Started in Mexico (Green Revolution) in the 1940’s and spread to other areas during the 50’s and 60’s Based on three main features: – High yield crops (specifically bred domestic crops) – Fertilizers (specifically designed to increase yield) – Irrigation (increased the amount of farmable land) Virtually eliminated famines in India and China, which has led to rapid overpopulation (Think Thomas Malthus) Africa has not benefited from this due to political and infrastructural problems

24 Goodbye Diseases Polio Vaccine developed in the 50’s and 60’s virtually eliminated the disease from most countries Vaccines for other diseases (flu, MMR, etc) have greatly increased our ability to survive, but also resulted in more resistant forms

25 What about the Polar Bears? Pollution and greenhouse gas emissions – Trap heat in the atmosphere – Cause respiratory problems – Can contaminate groundwater and food – Global warming/climate change

26 A Tale of Two Terrible Stories Diseases associated with poverty – Malaria (3 rd world disease) New diseases emerge – HIV/AIDS (prevalant in 3 rd world countries) Why are these diseases focused on the 3 rd world? Again, think about Malthus’s checks on population 1 st world countries have their issues too – Living longer=high rates of heart disease, stroke, etc. – Easy access to food (especially junk/fast food) leads to higher rates of obesity and diabetes

27 Can’t We All Just Get Along? The prevalence and willingness to go to war make people upset – Anti-war music and propaganda (flower power) – Sacrifice/personal harm to protest the war Thich Quang Duc’s self- immolation (setting yourself on fire) Mohamed Bouazizi’s protest against the Tunisian government.

28 Help, I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up Humanitarian Organizations develop in response to crises – Red Cross Helps military families, blood collection, food distribution, disaster aid, etc. – World Health Organization Wing of the UN to assist with disease, nutrition, sex ed., etc.

29 Let’s Work Together Regional Trade Agreements Diverse areas like Europe and SE Asia form economic alliances – ASEAN, European Union Goal is to economically cooperate to break trade barriers and increase trade

30 Tree Hugging Hippies Population growth + increasing demand= consequences for the environment/people Movements emerge to promote environmental awareness/protection – Earth Day – Greenpeace – PETA

31 I’m Special, You’re Special! Globalization of economies + new transportation methods + multimedia= everyone’s connected Interaction leads to new cultural identities They’re out to get us! As different groups come in contact with each other, reactions occur – Xenophobia- fear of foreigners and that which is foreign – Where have we seen this before/currently?

32 Let’s Get Together and Feel Alright! Technological advances in transportation and communication have made media from all over the world available – Reggae, native to Jamaica, is listened to all over the world – Bollywood, India’s entertainment district, can be viewed throughout the globe – watch?v=GyPMc38Q5Bc

33 That concludes the content for Mrs. Sunda’s Advanced Placement World History course! Onward to review!!!

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