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Take-off and the circuit. Take-off  Take-off is the phase of flight in which an aircraft goes through a transition from moving along the ground (taxiing)

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Presentation on theme: "Take-off and the circuit. Take-off  Take-off is the phase of flight in which an aircraft goes through a transition from moving along the ground (taxiing)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Take-off and the circuit

2 Take-off  Take-off is the phase of flight in which an aircraft goes through a transition from moving along the ground (taxiing) to flying in the air.

3 An F/A-18 Hornet takes off from the USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63).


5 Nose Wheel Aircraft.  For normal take-offs, the aircraft should be carefully aligned with the runway centre line.  Ensure that the nose wheel is centred.  Power should be applied by opening the throttle smoothly but positively.  Keep the ailerons and elevator in the neutral position.  As the take-off roll commences, gradually move the elevator control back to lighten the weight on the nose wheel.

6  As the speed of the aircraft approaches that required for takeoff, raise the nose to the take-off attitude.  Premature or excessive raising of the nose will delay take-off because of the increased drag.  Keep straight by concentrating on a reference point at the far end of the runway and maintain directional control with smooth rudder pressures.  Keep the wings level with aileron control.

7  When the aircraft lifts off the ground, it should keep its best rate of climb airspeed and allowed to accelerate.  The best rate of climb speed should be maintained until a safe height is reached.  Light aircraft should maintain full power until at least 500 feet above the ground.  The combination of full power and best rate of climb speed gives an additional margin of safety in that altitude is gained.

8 Ground effect  This is due to the effect of the ground. As a general rule the results of ground effect can be detected up to a height equal to one wing span above the surface.  Ground effect results in decreased induced drag; thus, making it possible for an aircraft to become airborne at less than normal airspeeds.


10  The density of the air plays an important part in the take-off performance of an aircraft.  Cold, dry air is denser than hot, moist air, and the denser the air, the better the performance. Factors to remember about air density at airports are:

11 Airport elevation high, air less dense = reduced performance. Ambient air T high, air less dense = reduced performance

12 Relative humidity high, air less dense = reduced performance. Combination of 1, 2, and 3 = poor performance

13 The circuit  The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) terminology for the circuit is "Aerodrome Traffic Circuit."  It is defined as: "The specified paths to be flown by aircraft operating in the vicinity of an aerodrome."

14  The basic pattern of the circuit remains fixed, but its orientation is determined by the heading of the runway in use at the time.  A plan view of the circuit shows that it is rectangular in shape and has the following components: 1. Take-off. 2. The cross-wind leg 3. The downwind leg. 4. The base leg. 5. The final approach.


16  In actual practice, at controlled airports it is customary for pilots and controllers to omit the word "leg" when referring to the circuit components, –e.g.: "Burton tower / ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE / downwind;" "ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE / Burton tower / report turning base."  It is recommended that the downwind call be when the aircraft is abeam the control tower.

17  Unless special conditions exist and there is authorized advice to the contrary, all circuits are left hand; therefore, all turns within the circuit are left turns.  In addition, unless otherwise authorized, all normal circuit heights are 1,000 feet above ground level.

18  After take-off there will be a straight climb into wind, normally to a height of 500 feet, and then a 90 degree turn cross-wind.  The cross-wind leg is a continuous climb to circuit height and the A/C leveled off.  Then a 90 degree turn brings the aircraft onto the downwind leg.  The downwind leg is flown so as to track parallel with the intended landing path.  On the downwind leg any necessary pre- landing checks are made.

19  When past the downwind boundary an appropriate distance, another 90 degree turn is made onto the base leg.  When within gliding distance of the landing area the throttle is closed and the aircraft is put into a glide.  Just before reaching the intended line of the final approach, another 90 degree turn is made onto final approach and the aircraft is kept in line with the centre of the runway until the landing is completed

20 spacing  It is extremely important that the position of other aircraft in the circuit, particularly those that are ahead of you in the pattern.  Maintain suitable spacing between your aircraft and the one ahead to allow that aircraft time to land and taxi clear of the runway.  If you crowd the preceding aircraft it may be necessary for you to execute a missed approach and "go around."

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