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ADS 1 Algorithms and Data Structures 1 Syllabus Asymptotical notation (Binary trees,) AVL trees, Red-Black trees B-trees Hashing Graph alg: searching,

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Presentation on theme: "ADS 1 Algorithms and Data Structures 1 Syllabus Asymptotical notation (Binary trees,) AVL trees, Red-Black trees B-trees Hashing Graph alg: searching,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ADS 1 Algorithms and Data Structures 1 Syllabus Asymptotical notation (Binary trees,) AVL trees, Red-Black trees B-trees Hashing Graph alg: searching, topological sorting, strongly connected components Minimal spaning tree (d.s. Union-Find) Divide et Impera method Sorting: low approximation of sorting problem, average case of Quicksort, randomization of Quicksort, linear sorting alg. Algebraic alg. (LUP decomposition)

2 Literature T.H. Cormen, Ch.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 1991 Organization  Lecture  Seminar

3 Comparing of algorithms Measures:  Time complexity, in (elementary) steps  Space complexity, in words/cells  Communication complexity, in packets/bytes How it is measured:  Worst case, average case (wrt probability distribution)  Usually approximation: upper bound Using functions depending on size of input data  We abstract from particular data to data size  We compare functions

4 Size of data Q: How to measure the size of (input) data? Formally: number of bits of data Ex: Input are (natural) numbers, size D of input data is Time complexity: a function f: N->N, such that f(|D|) gives number of algorithm steps depending on data of the size |D| Intuitively: Asymptotical behaviour: exact graph of function f does not matter (ignoring additive and multiplicative constants), a class of f matters (linear, quadratic, exponential)

5 Step of algorithm In theory: Based on a abstract machine: Random Access Machine (RAM), Turing m.  Informally: algorithm step = operation executable in constant time (independent of data size) RAM, operations:  Arithmetical: +, -, *, mod, <<, && …  Comparision of two numbers  Assignment of basic data types (not for arrays) Numbers have fixed maximal size Ex: sorting of n numbers: |D| = n (Contra)Ex: test for zero vector

6 Why to measure time comlexity Why sometimes more quickly machine doesn't help Difference between polynomial and worse algs.

7 Asymptotical complexity Measures a behaviour of the algorithm on „big“ data  It ignores a finite number of exceptions It supress additive and multiplicative constants  Abstracts from processor, language, (Moore law) Classifies algs to categories: linear, quadratic, logarithmic, exponential, constant...  Compares functions

8 (Big) O notation, definitions f(n) is asymptotically less or equal g(n), notation iff f(n) is asymptotically greater or equal g(n), notation, „big Omega“ iff f(n) is asymptotically equal g(n), notation, „big Theta“ iff

9 O-notation, def. II f(n) is asymptotically strictly less than g(n), notation, „small o“ iff f(n) is asymptotically strictly greater than g(n), notation, „small omega“ iff Examples of classes: O(1), log log n, log n, n, n log n, n^2, n^3, 2^n, 2^2n, n!, n^n, 2^(2^n),... Some functions are incomparable

10 Exercise Notation: sometimes is used f=O(g) Prove: max(f,g) ɛ Θ(f+g) Prove: if c,d>0, g(n)=c.f(n)+d then g ɛ O(f) Ex.: if f ɛ O(h), g ɛ O(h) then f+g ɛ O(h)  Appl: A bound to sequence of commands Compare n+100 to n^2, 2^10 n to n^2  Simple algorithms (with low overhead) are sometimes better for small data

11 Dynamic sets Data structures for remembering some data Dynamic structure: changes in time An element of a dynamic d.s. is accesible through a pointer and has 1. A key, usually from some (lineary) ordered set 2. Pointer(s) to other elements, or parts of d.s. 3. Other (user) data (!)

12 Operations S is a dynamic set, k is a key, x is a pointer to a element Operations  Find(S,k) – returns a pointer to a element with the key k or NIL  Insert(S,x) – Inserts to S an element x  Delete(S, x) – Deletes from S an element x  Min(S) – returns a pointer to an element with minimal key in S  Succ(S,x) – returms a pointer to an element next to x (wrt. linear ordering)  Max(S), Predec(S,x) – analogy to Min, Succ

13 Binary search trees Dynamic d.s. which supports all operations












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