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Budget Status and FY03 Requests Elton Smith Hall D Collaboration Meeting Sep 12-14, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Budget Status and FY03 Requests Elton Smith Hall D Collaboration Meeting Sep 12-14, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budget Status and FY03 Requests Elton Smith Hall D Collaboration Meeting Sep 12-14, 2002

2 Topics Schedule for pCDR Budget proposal for FY03 GlueX upgrade budgets

3 Review of pCDR Sept. 1 - DRAFT1 pCDR Material Submitted  Hall Leaders and selected individuals review draft text and enhance/edit as appropriate, and the process for merging the draft documents from accelerator and the halls begins  The Physics Divisions Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) produces the “experiment/equipment overlap matrix,” a first look at how well we have "orthogonalized" the hall equipment.

4 Review of pCDR (cont.) Nov. 1 - DRAFT2 pCDR Ready for Distribution  “Nearly final” draft pCDR sent to PAC members and others invited for the January science review.  Updated “experiment/equipment overlap matrix” produced by the TAC, will also be given to PAC members and others invited for the January science review

5 Review pCDR (cont.) Week of Jan 13: PAC 23 Meets and conducts its normal business relative to ongoing experimental program. January 19 – 22: Special Workshop (tentatively at the Outer Banks) held the augmented PAC to carry out a review of the science plans and equipment “orthogonalization”.

6 Outline of Presentations on the Physics of the Upgrade to the augmented PAC Introduction by Cardman – why are we here and what do we hope to accomplish Review and Summary of the “White Paper Approved” Major Physics Thrusts developed with the input of PAC18. Speakers will be “appointed.” We solicit your suggestions for names of persons to give each of the following four presentations to the PAC  GlueX  High-x (summarizing experiments in all halls)  GPDs with emphasis on DVCS (summarizing experiments in all halls)  Summary of other initiatives (e.g. pion form factor, color transparency, duality, etc.) “Proposals” for changes in the structure of the executive summary of the pCDR. These presentations must motivate a research PROGRAM, not just an individual experiment. Presentation on the “experiment/equipment overlap matrix”

7 GlueX Budget Proposal for FY03 Cardman suggests that we develop a budget proposal assuming a timely approval of CD-0 and Alternate strategy if approvals are delayed

8 GlueX Budget Proposal for FY03 k$ Notes Civil Construction150 Solenoid473 Work at IUCF Detector Tracking CDC40 Tracking FDC30 Start Counter20 Barrel Calorimeter80 Cerenkov Counter40 Forward Calorimeter135 Time-of-Flight Wall20 Computing80 DAQ25 Electronics200 Includes robotics facility Photon Tagger80 Glasgow postdoc hired Jlab designer65 Ravi Anumagalla hired PWA Center224 New Request Total1662

9 Work Breakdown Structure 1.5Hall D 1.5.1Solenoid Labor, rigging (labor) 1.5.2Detectors chambers chambers counter calorimeter calorimeter ID counter

10 Work Breakdown Structure (cont.) 1.5.3Computing computing (CC Budget) Controls 1.5.4Electronics, racks 1.5.5Beamline components 1.5.6Infrastructure

11 Work Breakdown Structure (cont.) 1.6Civil 1.6.3Hall D, Buildings Control Protection, LCW, HVAC Overhead

12 Hall D Technical Year-201234SystemMan-yr Lead Engineer1111111Proj Man7 Lead Designer0111111Tracking6 Lead technician0111111Install6 Designer0011111Tagger5 Mechanical technician0023444PID17 Electrical Designer1122222TDC12 Electrical technician0122444FADC17 Computer Professional (hardware) 0012222Online9 Total25111316

13 Hall D Physicists Year-201234SystemMan-yr Group Leader1111111Proj Man7 Coordinator (Computing/DAQ) 1111111Proj Man7 DAQ 1111 4 Online 11111 5 Offline 11111 5 Level 3 Farm 1111Online4 Slow Controls 11111 5 Coordinator (Detector/Electr) 1111111Proj Man7 Tracking 11111 5 Calorimetry 1111Calor4 PID 111111 6 Electronics 11111trig5 Beamline/tagger 111111Beamline6 Total351013

14 Jlab budget requirements FY03 k$ Notes Civil Construction150 CD0 required Solenoid~200 Coordination with IUCF Detector Tracking FDC20 Support to detector group Computing40 DAQ/trigger15Crate communication Electronics15 Support for electronic prototypes Jlab designer65 Ravi Anumagalla hired PWA Center- Lab support for PWA work

15 Impact of Near-term Constant-effort Budgets Fiscal years 020304050607 01 Constant-effort budget continues thru FY03 * 10 CD-0 CD-1CD-4CD-2CD-3 Orig. schedule Constant-effort budget in FY02 * & O413.3 0809 * Assumes increases beyond constant-effort in subsequent years.

16 VERY Tentative charge to the augmented PAC workshop Comment on the intellectual framework presented for the 12 GeV pCDR. Is this the best way to present the science case to DOE and the larger nuclear physics community? Are there flaws or omissions in the framework? Review the new research programs that are under consideration for being highlighted in the executive summary of the pCDR. Do they represent compelling science that must be done to advance our understanding of nuclear physics? At what level should they be included in the executive summary? Have we omitted any key science initiatives that could be supported by a 12 GeV electron beam? Is the experimental equipment proposed well matched to the key physics experiments motivating the upgrade? In cases where an experiment or program is proposed for more than one set of equipment, are the differences in capability and physics reach of the equipment essential for getting all the physics, important for getting as much physics as possible, or simply useful in that, for example, an experiment could be done somewhat faster with one hall equipment compared to another? (note the exact wording of this part of the charge will be refined)

17 Jlab R&D Budgets FY02 JunNovFebNotes Civil Construction0500 Solenoid0300 Dismantling and shipping Detector Tracking CDC120200Spending FY01 Tracking FDC0300Detector group Start Counter41400Spending FY01 Barrel Calorimeter126065 Cerenkov Counter186400 Forward Calorimeter55400 Time-of-Flight Wall2000 Computing160800latest request Electronics20148170Draft MOU Photon Tagger04580Add 35K for Glasgow postdoc Assembly000 0.5 postdoc LQCD000Memo to Cardman, Gross Jlab designer000Request for 65k Total614853615

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