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The Plains Indians Sioux & Comanche.

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1 The Plains Indians Sioux & Comanche

KWAKIUTL “Indian” (1)

3 THE SIOUX Lived in tepees Lived on the Great Plains Ate buffalo meat
Wore hides, etc.

4 The Eastern Plains were nomads
How they lived: Nomadic and moved frequently followed buffalo herds and lodged in teepees. The tipi was a very good shelter for the Plains Indians. It was easy to set up and take down. It was warm in winter, cool in summer and waterproof. No matter how often they moved they were a united tribe. What they wore: strips of leather in their hair to keep their hair pulled back. Clothes were all made of animal skin (mostly deer skin). Women wore long dresses and leggings, men wore deerskins shirts and tight leggings. The tipi was a very good shelter for the Plains Indians. It was easy to set up and take down. It was warm in winter, cool in summer and waterproof.

5 The Buffalo Hunt Sometimes men covered in buffalo robes or wolf skins followed the animals waiting for the best time to kill them. Hunters drove the bison into deep snow and then killed them. The animals were attacked at water holes where they were unable to get away. Another method of driving herds of deer, pronghorn and bison into streams was by burning grass and forcing the animals to a river. Chasers" or "runners" would lead the animals towards a cliff where others waited behind rocks and trees. People waved blankets and shouted forcing the animals over the edge of the cliff. Others waited at the bottom of the cliff to kill the crippled animals. After horses came This method was sometimes used if the hunters had horses. A hunting party would charge the herd and get as close as they could to a bison, then shoot it with a bow and arrow or gun.

6 One method of hunting buffalo in the northwestern plains was to drive a herd of buffalo over a cliff. This method required group cooperation and resulted in the shared distribution of meat. People waved blankets and shouted forcing the animals over the edge of the cliff. Others waited at the bottom of the cliff to kill the crippled animals.

7 WINTER CAMP The Plains tribes lived in small groups or bands during the long winter months. For five months of the year (November to March) they lived in one place - known as the winter camp. The winter camp was set up in a protected area where there was water, wood, game and grass for the horses. Then in late spring or early summer, the bands would get together again for religious ceremonies, important meetings and the yearly bison hunt which took place in late summer and fall. Each band was headed by a council and a chief.

8 USI.3B Pass out chart! “Indian Lake” (6)

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