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Anti-Homophobia Initiative NWJS & Stonewall School Champions.

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Presentation on theme: "Anti-Homophobia Initiative NWJS & Stonewall School Champions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anti-Homophobia Initiative NWJS & Stonewall School Champions

2 Why? Children, family members, friends and staff who identify as LGBT Homophobic comments = bullying Consequences OfSTED


4 Where are we now? Started log - any comment or incident recorded (Few incidents so far. Log ALL!) Surveyed staff Two training sessions - third today Can you recognise when someone is being homophobic?

5 Plan Create a policy Learning Detectives (Equality Team) assess situation Survey children Definitions PowerPoint for children. Why? Lesson - ‘Different Families Same Love’ What to say when you hear homophobic language. Role play Diversity Week Activities into PHSE curriculum Language Code

6 Survey for Children

7 Definitions

8 Anti- Homophobia Stonewall Champions

9 Gender Being male or female

10 Heterosexuality Is the name given to the attraction between people of the opposite gender A woman and a man A man and a woman

11 Homosexuality Is the name given to the attraction between people of the same gender A man and a man A woman and a woman

12 Bisexuality Is the name given to the attraction between people of the both the same gender and the opposite gender A woman and a man or a woman A man and a woman or a man

13 Homophobia Is the fear or dislike of someone because they are gay or lesbian

14 Heterosexism Describes the presumption that everyone is heterosexual.


16 Different Families Same Love Lesson Plan

17 What to say! Child - “You missed the goal. You’re so gay!” Adult - (1. Echo) “So I just heard you say ‘You missed the goal. You’re so gay!’ Can you tell me why you said that?” (2. Explain) “Gay is an okay word - don’t use it negatively.” (3. Define it) “Gay means when people of the same gender are in a relationship. Two men together or two women together. There is nothing wrong with that.” (4. Give alternative) “If you don’t think something is good, just say ‘That’s bad.’ Don’t say ‘It’s gay.’ Being gay is okay - it’s not bad.”

18 What to say! Child - (To another child whose father is not gay) “Your dad is gay!” Adult - (1. Echo) “So I just heard you say - ‘Your dad is gay!’ Can you tell me why you said that?” ” (2. Explain) “Gay is an okay word - don’t use it negatively.” (3. Define it) “Gay means when people of the same gender are in a relationship. Two men together or two women together. There is nothing wrong with that.” (4. Give alternative) “If you really have to make a comment about something, just say ‘That’s bad.’ Don’t say ‘It’s gay.’ Being gay is okay - it’s not bad. You really shouldn’t be making comments about other people’s parents anyway.”

19 What to say! Child - “Don’t sit next to me - you’re gay!” Adult - (1. Echo) “So I just heard you say ‘Don’t sit there - you’re gay!’ Can you tell me why you said that? ” (2. Explain) “You should not use being gay as a reason against someone. You also shouldn’t judge people. It doesn’t matter if X is gay or heterosexual – it’s non of your concern” (3. Define it) “Gay means when people of the same gender are in a relationship. Two men together or two women together. There is nothing wrong with that.” (4. Give alternative) “If you were using the word ‘gay’ to mean ‘bad’ that’s unacceptable. Being gay is okay - it’s not bad.”

20 Possible Issues Taking Golden Time away for incidents once the work has been established Parents - information in the newsletter? Stonewall ‘That’s so gay’ media campaign Using ‘gay’ correctly is okay Keeping up with the log Diversity Week Revisit the survey

21 What’s next? Learning Detectives in playground during week beginning 28th January PHSE lesson with survey during week beginning 4th February. Must be completed by half term

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