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LS1 planning meeting 26.4.2013. 25/4/13 ALICE TBStatus of LS1 activities - A.Tauro2 LS1 plan 2013Weeks Remove plug, mobile shielding, open doors8-9 Prepare.

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Presentation on theme: "LS1 planning meeting 26.4.2013. 25/4/13 ALICE TBStatus of LS1 activities - A.Tauro2 LS1 plan 2013Weeks Remove plug, mobile shielding, open doors8-9 Prepare."— Presentation transcript:

1 LS1 planning meeting 26.4.2013

2 25/4/13 ALICE TBStatus of LS1 activities - A.Tauro2 LS1 plan 2013Weeks Remove plug, mobile shielding, open doors8-9 Prepare for PHOS extraction, remove RB24 beampipe and PMD10 Remove PHOS cradle and modules, transfer TOF crates on SF11-13 Modify L3 services and install YP for TRD1714 Modify L3 services, remove TRD17 and rework LV distr. TRD 7-8-10, DCal tests in SXL215-19 Modify L3 services, open low-beta and swap Q5L8 magnet, DCal tests in SXL220-23 Swap PHOS beams with DCal beams25-28 (tbc) DCal and PHOS services (1/2)31-33 Contingency34-35 (August) Install DCal Cradle36-38 DCal and PHOS services (2/2)39-40 Open Days – 27-28-29/939-40 Install 2 1/3 DCal modules41 Install 3 DCal modules (C-side)42-43 Rework LV distr. TRD11-15-16 Two weeks between 44 and 51 Xmas pause52-1 Done Ongoing

3 25/4/13 ALICE TBStatus of LS1 activities - A.Tauro3 LS1 plan 2013 – detailed plan weeks 18-30Weeks Modify L3 services18 Modify L3 services, TRD1019 Preparation for low-beta opening, DCal tests in SXL2 (?), drill holes L3 (C-side)20 Open low-beta start 21-521 Swap Q5L8 magnet 29-30-31/5, Install UPSes22 Close low-beta23 24 Swap PHOS beams with DCal beams, TRD and TPC tanks (1w)25 Swap PHOS beams with DCal beams, CR1 racks (2d)26 Swap PHOS beams with DCal beams 27 Swap PHOS beams with DCal beams28 29 30

4 25/4/13 ALICE TBStatus of LS1 activities - A.Tauro4 LS1 plan 2014Weeks Install 4 PHOS modules (incl.pre-commiss.)2-5 Install 3 DCAL modules (A-side)6-7 Install top/bottom counterweights8 Remove comp. magnet and Suspend Miniframe9-11 Install TRD12-13-14 with yellow platform (bottom)12-14 ‘Un-suspend’ Miniframe15-16 Reinstall TRD1717 Concrete walls & TRD installation frame18-19 Install TRD4-5 (top) & counterweights20-21 Remove TRD infrastructure22 Reinstall PMD, ZEM and comp. magnet23 Reinstall and bakeout RB24 beampipe24-25 ---- Close plug, mobile shielding26-29

5 Activities weeks 18, 19 & 20 26/4/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro5

6 Access situation No access restrictions foreseen 26/4/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro6

7 Week 15 (8-14/4) UX25: TRD + P2tech: take out TRD17 (Mon) – L3 access from O-side only P2tech + ALTEAD: move L3 staircase from O-side to I-side (Tue) P2tech ALTEAD: install blocks + rails yellow platform on O-side (Tue) P2tech + ALTEAD: install yellow platform on O-side (Tue) TRD + ALTEAD: take out TRD7 (Wed) TRD: modify TRD7 in Low-Beta (Thu) TRD + ALTEAD: reinstall TRD7 (Fri) TRD + ALTEAD + P2tech: remove TRD8 (Sat) TRD: modify TRD8 in Low-Beta (Sun) Muon TRK: work on CH6L and CH5R (whole week) BE-ABP-SU: survey babyframe, TRD feet and A-side beampipe flange after each TRD removal (whole week) L3: TOF + PH-DT (gas): check C2H2F4 tightness (Mon) P2tech: L3 services modifications (whole week) TPC work on A-side (Tue ?) Surface: P2tech: load test DCal extension ribs (Mon) TRD + ALTEAD: move TRD17 to blue frame (Mon-Tue) P2tech + ALTEAD + Nantes: DCal insertion test in SXL2 (60 and 40deg ?) (Tue-Fri) Removal barracks 6120 (HLT), 6121 (MTR) and 6122 (MTG) (Mon-Tue) 26/4/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro7

8 Week 16 (15-21/4) UX25: TRD + P2tech: reinstall TRD8 (Mon) P2tech + ALTEAD: remove blocks and install rails yellow platform on O-side (Mon) TRD + ALTEAD: take out TRD10 (Tue) TRD: modify TRD10 in Low-Beta (Wed) TRD + ALTEAD: reinstall TRD10 (Thu) Muon TRK: work on CH6L and CH5 R (whole week) FMD + P2tech: modify 2 FMD1 cooling pipes (miniframe) P2tech: install survey plate RB26 side P2tech + ALTEAD: remove ADC + BCM C-side Fire brigade test: ‘pompe relevage’ (Wed) L3: P2tech: L3 services modifications (whole week) –cut and remove 20 inox pipes along the PHOS (I-side) beam Surface: ALTEAD + P2tech: modify DCal infrastructure SXL2 (whole week) P2tech: install ZDC fences in SXL2 (provided by ALTEAD) SDD: swap SuperCarlosRX boards in CR4 (whole week) 26/4/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro8

9 Week 17 (22-28/4) UX25: P2tech: move baby-frame (Wed) ALTEAD + P2tech: modify TRD infrastructure (Wed-Thu) TRD + P2tech: TRD10 extraction (Thu) Muon TRK: work on CH6L and CH5 R (whole week) DGS-RP: RAMSES maintenance BE-ABP-SU: survey UX25 RB26 (Tue-Thu) L3: P2tech + SPD: drill filter SR3 P2tech: L3 services modifications (whole week): –Remove 4 PHOS cooling pipes –Remove false floor (O-side) and modify the supports for the cooling pipes (interference with the new beams) –Install new cable tray for the cables which were lifted Surface: P2tech + ALTEAD + Nantes: DCal and PHOS insertion test in SXL2 (0deg) (Tue-Fri) LHC tunnel: ZDC: remove both detectors (Mon-Tue) 26/4/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro9

10 Week 18 (29/4-5/5) UX25: TRD: modify TRD10 in Low-Beta (Fri-Sun) Muon TRK: work on ST4 (whole week) BE-ABP-SU: survey UX25 RB24 (Mon-Tue) P2tech: remove/reinstall steel plates RB24 to allow for survey measurement (Mon-Tue) P2tech: help for extraction and reinstallation of TRD11 (Thu-Fri) ACO: exchange old PMTs and check the functionality (mechanics, alignment, optical coupling) of the complete 60 ACO module system (start on Wed – several weeks) P2tech: remove CO2 bottles from UX25 (C-side, level 0) L3: P2tech: install new L3 ladders (top part, access from scaffolding) Surface: ALTEAD: move ALICE stuff from SX2-SA2 to b.185 (tbc) 26/4/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro10

11 Week 19 (6-12/5) UX25: TRD + P2tech: reinstall TRD10 (Mon) ALTEAD + P2tech: removal of all equipment from cavern: rotator + control rack + tookboxes, YP, test equipment (1 rack, 1 box) (Tue-Wed) P2tech: reinstall L3 staircase (O-side) (Wed) Muon TRK: work on ST4 (whole week) L3: P2tech: install new gangway (I-side) P2tech + SPD: drill SPD filter (tbc) 26/4/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro11

12 Week 20 (13-19/5) UX25: ALTEAD: open low-beta and swap Q5L8 magnet Muon TRK: work on ST4 (whole week) L3: P2tech: P test TRD pipes P2tech: start LV consolidation (TRD-TPC-TOF) O-side (whole week) Ouvaroff: remove scaffolding inside L3 (Fri) Surface: DCal + ALTEAD + P2tech: test in SXL2 26/4/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro12

13 Visits in the coming weeks 26/4/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro13

14 AOB --- 26/4/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro14

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