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Period 1 Warming up, Pre-reading & Reading. 1. 遗漏,不考虑 2. 弄清楚,理解 3. 熄灭 4. 给某人留下深刻影响 5. 应该受到责备 6. 谋杀未遂 7. 在恰当的位置 8. 为 … 负责 9. 位于 10. 推迟 11. 康复,恢复健康 12.

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Presentation on theme: "Period 1 Warming up, Pre-reading & Reading. 1. 遗漏,不考虑 2. 弄清楚,理解 3. 熄灭 4. 给某人留下深刻影响 5. 应该受到责备 6. 谋杀未遂 7. 在恰当的位置 8. 为 … 负责 9. 位于 10. 推迟 11. 康复,恢复健康 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Period 1 Warming up, Pre-reading & Reading

2 1. 遗漏,不考虑 2. 弄清楚,理解 3. 熄灭 4. 给某人留下深刻影响 5. 应该受到责备 6. 谋杀未遂 7. 在恰当的位置 8. 为 … 负责 9. 位于 10. 推迟 11. 康复,恢复健康 12. 做某事需要很长一段 时间 13. 高昂着头 14. 把 … 看做 / 视为 15. 以貌取人 1. leave out 2. make out 3. put out 4. leave/make/give a deep impression on sb 5. be to blame 6. the attempted murder 7. in place 8. be responsible for 9. be located near/in/on 10. put off 11. recover from 12. It takes long for sb to do sth 13. with one’s head hold high 14. treat/consider sth/sb as/to be 15. judge sb by/from one’s looks

3 What are the two main kinds of disabilities? Do you know anyone with a disability? Warming up

4 Beethoven He is a famous composer and he is half-deaf.

5 Helen Keller Blind, deaf and dumb

6 Edison slightly deaf Scientist /inventor

7 Steven Hawking physicist / mathematician (Black holes theory)

8 Zhang Haidi has no feeling below the waist, uses a wheel chair writer


10 Zhou Zhou, who was mentally deficient from his childhood, now has become a famous conductor in China.

11 Ma Li & Zhai Xiao wei


13 Tai Lihua deaf dancer

14 Pre-reading Look at the pictures and read the passages quickly to find out what disability the four people each have and what they have achieved.

15 Rosalyn Something is wrong with her legs. This disability makes it difficult for her to walk or run. But she loves sports. She is proud to have taken part in competitions and to have broken a record by running two laps (800meters) this year. Her ambition is to become part of the national team for the next Paralympic Games. _______ __________________________________ _______________________ ________________

16 Richard He is blind, which makes it difficult for him to read ordinary books. However, he has just passed his university entrance exams. He had the questions read to him and used dictation to give his answers into a special machine. He hopes to become a teacher. _____ ____ ___________________________ _____ _______ ___ ____________________

17 Sally Something is wrong with her hearing. She is almost deaf. When she is free, she goes to the movies because the sound is always very loud. Although some may think the cinema is noisy, it is suitable for her condition. In spite of the disability, Sally leads a busy life. She likes writing stories and playing basketball. _______ _____ _______ ____ ______________ __________________

18 Gao Qiang Gao Qiang was born with Down’s Syndrome, which is a mental disability. However, he loves acting. Last year he played a major part in the school play. Now his ambition is to become an actor. He takes singing and dancing lessons after school. _____ ___________________ ___________ _________ __________

19 Para1: A/An ____________to Marty and his muscle disease. Para 2: How the disease______________. introduction developed/started Para3: Marty met a lot of _________at school. difficulties Para 4: How his life has become_______. easier Para 5: The __________of his disease. advantages Skimming: Sum up the main idea of each paragraph.

20 Scanning: Marty ’ s disease Marty ’ s difficulties Marty ’ s ambition Marty ’ s achievement Marty ’ s hobby Marty ’ s motto Marty ’ s advice a muscle disease that makes him very weak clumsy and can ’ t run or climb stairs as quickly as other people to work for a firm that … invented a computer football game going to the movies and football matches and keeping pets to live one day at a time don ’ t feel … or make … but accept them and give them …

21 Scanning 1. What is the main idea of “ Marty ’ s Story ” ? 2. When was Marty a patient of the unknown disease? 3. Marty ’ s life was easier at high school because ___________. 4. What does Marty often do in his life now? 5. What can we infer from the fifth paragraph?

22 Scanning 1. What is the main idea of “ Marty ’ s Story ” ? A. His disease is a mystery to doctors. B. The disabled should live a full life instead of giving up the hope. C. People around should not make fun of the disabled ones. D. Doctors should work hard to treat the unknown diseases. ∨

23 Scanning 2. When was Marty a patient of the unknown disease? A. Not until he was ten B. Shortly after he was born. C. When he was in high school. D. After he invited the football computer game. ∨

24 Discussion 3. Marty ’ s life was easier at high school because ___________. A. he got better with the help of the doctors B. he found more things enjoyable in life C. some students just ignored to help him D. he invented a computer program to help him. ∨

25 4. What does Marty often do in his life now? A. He sits around feeling sorry for himself. B. He works in the computer industry. C. He makes up the lessons he was missed. D. He keeps a pet and works hard to live a normal life. ∨

26 5. What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. The disabled have to work to support themselves as people don ’ t like to take care of them B. Healthy kids should have a chance to feel what disability is. C. Healthy people should give money to the disabled to make them happy. D. With determination and encouragement, the disabled can live a rich life. ∨

27 Detailed reading : Problems caused by his disability What Marty does in spite of his disability 1. weak and can ’ t run or climb stairs as quickly as others 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.enjoys writing and computer programming 2. 3. 4. clumsy and ______________ ________________________ can’t ___________ and can only enjoy football matches _________ ______. feels ______ because of ___________________ Invented____________ ___________ looks after_____ Disability has helped him grow stronger and more independent. often drop things or bump into furniture play football from a bench at a stadium has missed a lot of school stupid being behind the others a computer football game pets

28 A summary The main idea of the story: Though he is a _________ person, Marty never feels ________ for himself and he ________ his life. What kind of person do you think Marty is? disabled sorry enjoys

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