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Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service

2 Today is Monday, December 7 Day 4 Second Week of Advent

3 Students doing PJAS science and math projects: Remember that your ISEF forms, signature form and PJAS Region 7 website registration as a participant is due on Tuesday. See Mrs. Benedik in G24 today if you have questions!

4 ICE Dress Down Day Friday, Decemebr 11 Cost - $3

5 The Latin Club will be meeting Tuesday, December 8th after school in Ms. Day’s room. This week we will be celebrating the Roman holiday of Saturnalia. As always there will be food and all are welcome to join us!

6 Dance 2016- Contracts are available in the Main Office! Starting Thursday DEC 3, if you have your contract completed though the office, you can begin to buy tickets by bringing your completed forms to the Student Council table in the cafeteria. Make your checks payable to OAKLAND CATHOLIC. If you are bringing a date, you must have his guest request form back from his school before you buy your ticket.

7 Teachers and students, the Environmental Club is going to start recycling in each classroom. Homeroom teachers, please ask your homeroom to bring in 2 large cardboard boxes for next week to start recycling!


9 CROSSROAD SCHOLARS: Mandatory weekly meetings with Fabian in the Pittsburgh Room. Freshmen & Sophomores meet every Monday. Juniors & Seniors meet every Wednesday." CROSSROAD SCHOLARS: Mandatory weekly meetings with Fabian in the Pittsburgh Room. Freshmen & Sophomores meet every Monday. Juniors & Seniors meet every Wednesday."

10 The Cancer Awareness Club will hold its Christmas Card Holiday Party this Wednesday immediately after school in Room J303. The festive activity, complete with art supplies, holiday music and refreshments is a great way to help other's who are dealing with Cancer over the holidays as all cards will be sent to families dealing with the disease. It's a great cause and a great way to get into the spirit of the season.

11 Today’s Feature TURKEY & CHEESE $2.50 PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY $1.50

12 Today’s Feature CHICKEN PATTY $2.50 HOAGIE COMBO $5.00


14 Today’s Feature PLAIN $1.50 PEPPERONI $2.00 SPECIALTY $2.00

15 Today’s Feature TURKEY STUFFED BURRITO RICE $5.00

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