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1 Exchange Network Performance Measures Exchange Network Users Conference Mary Greene, Chief Information Exchange Partnership Branch Office of Environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Exchange Network Performance Measures Exchange Network Users Conference Mary Greene, Chief Information Exchange Partnership Branch Office of Environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Exchange Network Performance Measures Exchange Network Users Conference Mary Greene, Chief Information Exchange Partnership Branch Office of Environmental Information April 19, 2006

2 2 Project Goals Evaluate Exchange Network performance Establish system for feedback Use measures to determine progress and strategic focus Prepare the Exchange Network for PART evaluation

3 3 Overview of Progress 30 performance measures were collaboratively developed through workgroup Measures are weighted and evaluated for ROI 10 performance measures will have metrics developed and baseline data collected Some measures may be deleted or added after baseline

4 4 Performance Measures Categories Customer Satisfaction and Market Share Knowing our customers well and creating value for them Business Process Improvement How we improve the business processes within programs and for their customers Operational Excellence Delivering exceptional levels of functionality, quality, and availability Governance and Strategy Transparent and fair governance process

5 5 Exchange Network Operational Excellence 12.3% Network Availability0.8% Response Time0.3% % of Successful Transactions1.6% Planned vs. Actual Ease of Use1.6% Ease of Bringing on New Users 3.1% Wait Time: user on hold0.3% % of Problems Resolved During First Call0.5% Customer Support Satisfaction 2.0% % of Repeat Problems by Category0.6% Customer Satisfaction with 1.5% Features & Services Business Process Improvement 53.7% Implementation Costs1.2% Business Process Costs4.8% Fewer Errors Discovered by Users1.5% Filling Perceived Data Gaps4.2% Survey on EN Data Being Easy to Use1.4% Standardization of Web Services6.6% Expansion & Enhancement of Web Services2.8% Information Quality8.8% Execution of EN Strategic Plan3.4% Environmental Decision Making Improvements 20.4% Making Improvements Customer Satisfaction and Market Share 24.1% Customer Satisfaction with14.1% Current Services Service Utilization Index 2.6% New Partners Using 7.4% Existing Services Governance and Exchange Network Strategy 9.9% Governance Satisfaction2.4% Requirement in PPGs, PPAs & Grants1.3% % of Data Exchanges using3.9% Exchange Network Governance Coordination0.8% Coordination with other data efforts0.3% Understanding of Grant Process0.3% Alignment of Grants with 0.9% Strategic Priorities Complete Set of Exchange Network Metrics and Weights Customers are delighted and usage base expands. We continually improve how we do our business. We have a transparent and fair governance process. The Exchange Network operates flawlessly.

6 6 Exchange Network Operational Excellence 6.6% Business Process Improvement 21.9% Fewer Errors Discovered 1.5% By Users Environmental Decision 20.4% Making Improvements Customer Satisfaction and Market Share 21.5% Customer Satisfaction with 14.1% Current Services New Partners Using 7.4% Existing Services Governance and Exchange Network Strategy 7.6% Governance Satisfaction 2.4% Requirement in PPGs, 1.3% PPAs and Grants % of Data Exchanges 3.9% Using Exchange Network Exchange Network Baseline Metrics and Weights Customers are delighted and usage base expands. We continually improve how we do our business. We have a transparent and fair governance process. The Exchange Network operates flawlessly. Ease of Bringing on New Users 3.1% Customer Support Satisfaction 2.0% Customer Satisfaction with 1.5% Features & Services

7 7 Your Role in Project Member of workgroup Provider of information on, for example:  Customer satisfaction with EN features and services  Customer opinion on ease of use  Satisfaction with governance  Satisfaction with Help Desk Facilitating improved environmental decision making Helping to tell the story of EN performance

8 8 Score Card A Score Card is similar to a report card  The Score Card will have an overall grade for the program  The Score Card will have four categories, each comprised of several metrics  Underling metrics based on statistical analysis and user comments

9 9 Performance Goals After the baseline, performance goals for the next evaluation period will be established Meeting performance goals will be a major indicator of program success Score Card results will influence how we manage the EN

10 10 Project Schedule MILESTONESDATESSTATUS Identify MeasuresDecember 2004 – February 2006 COMPLETE Develop Baseline MetricsJuly 2005 – March 2006 COMPLETE Develop Data Collection StrategiesMarch 2006 – May 2006 Underway Collect DataMay 2006 – September 2006 Pending Develop Baseline ReportAugust 2006 – September 2006 Pending Establish Targets and Implement Metrics Program FY 2007

11 11 Summary Significant progress on performance measurement development Baseline collection over the Summer 2006 Annual performance measures Score Card Aide in assessing  Overall performance  Telling the story  Facilitating improved decision making

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