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Performance of PHENIX High Momentum Muon Trigger.

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1 Performance of PHENIX High Momentum Muon Trigger


3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Muon Tracker Octant number

4 4 MuTR FEE Upgrade Readout Analog Signal to Get the Position of Particle Passage (OFFLINE Analysis) Get Digital Signal for Trigger Decision (ONLINE) Readout Analog Signal to Get the Position of Particle Passage (OFFLINE Analysis) To trigger Logic ADC 0.95Q 0.05Q Q 1.Charge Sharing with multilple strips provides ~200um resolution out of 5mm strips 2.Fast readout electronics process signal fast enough before trigger decision is made Bottom Line ~10  s

5 5 High Momentum Muon Trigger System MuTRG ADTX MuTRG MRG Level 1 Trigger Board MuTr FEE Resistive Plate Counter (RPC) (Φ segmented) B 2 planes 5% 95% Trigger Interaction Region Rack Room Optical 1.2Gbps Amp/Discri. Transmit Data Merge MuTRG RPC FEE Trigger events with straight track (e.g.  strip <= 1) RPC / MuTRG data are also recorded on disk. SG1 DCM

6 Threshold Scan Run #ThresholdS.SG1N.SG1 38315610mV11kHz750Hz 38316020mV76kHz18kHz 38315920mV20kHz8kHz 38316130mV15kHz32Hz 38316240mV200Hz1Hz 38316340mV20kHz1Hz 38316440mV2kHz1Hz 38316560mV1.7kHz0.5Hz 383168100mV14Hz0.4Hz 38317060mV3.8kHz1.0Hz Good correlation between threshold and N.SG1. 1Hz is reasonable true cosmic rate. Poor correlation between threshold and S.SG1. Not rates are not reproducible. 6

7 North Threshold Scan

8 All Octants (Thr=40mV) Measurement and study by SeYoung and Dahee SG 1 South Trigger Rate Expected trigger rate for cosmic ~1Hz]

9 Masking Octant-1 (Thr=40mV) Study by Dahee and SeYoung 20min

10 Oct-1 Effect

11 Observation So Far 1. Octant-1 which has intrinsic eigenvalue of 300Hz@40mV. – This high rate quenches completely by masking octant-1. Masking at LL1 or MRG doesn't matter. 2.Rate excursion up to >10kHz with 5 -10 minutes of lifetime originated Octant-3. Excursion repeats during the run.

12 MRG LL1 GL1 Oct-3 Excursion yes ADTX Oct-1 HighRate yes MRG LL1 GL1 no ADTX no ✖ mask MRG LL1 GL1 no ADTX ✖ mask Logic Test yes no yes no MRG LL1 GL1 no ADTX ✖ High Threshold yes no 10-13min no yes ~60min no

13 SG1 Chain FPGA MRG ADTX LL1 DCMIF DCM MTP casset MTP fiber 1 2 3 456 7 8 9 10 FPGA Mask Threshold 13

14 Threshold Scan Threshold change every stations all together. Threshold change every stations all together. Threshold [mV] SG1_South Rate [Hz] The threshold scan result indicates clear threshold dependence. The slope somewhat gets shallow between 30mV to 60mV. Compared to North, South rate responses quite shallow and not normal response. Plot by Dahee Threshold change only station-3a MRG#80 (rests are fixed at 40mV). Threshold change only station-3a MRG#80 (rests are fixed at 40mV). North 14

15 Difference between Previous and Current MRG FPGA code Previous (mrg_prom021.xsvf) Current (mrg_prom036.xsvf) Process Speed ~ 10ns faster Minimize  t between stations  t (St3 – St1) ~ 20ns  t (St2 – St1) ~ 8ns Beam Clock Counter Employ Counter from ADTX Employ Counter within MRG Error Detection No Error Detection of ADTX channel by channel Error Detection of ADTX channel by channel 15 Upgrade : March 28, 2012 Run12: March 18 ~ April 18, 2012

16 SG1 Octant-3 High Rate Excursion Plot by SeYoung (Ewha University) Frequency stays reasonably constant, whereas amplitudes vary by factor of 6 or so. 20kHz 16

17 Peak to Peak Intervals Intervals are constant within +/- 30 seconds. However their variations can not be explained within the peak position error. Plot by Dahee

18 Run13 Threshold Response of Octant-1 North South Run12 Octant-1 Cosmic SG1~50kHz Run12 Octant-1 Physcs SG1~1kHz Plot by Dahee (Ewha University) 18 Run12 Cosmic Rate ~40kHz is consistent with present measurement. Physics run was operated at 30mV and likely to be operated around 1kHz.


20 sqrt(s)=500 GeV @ RHIC  Parity Violation Asymmetry Clean flavor separation w/o fragmentation uncertainty

21 21 High Momentum Muon Trigger Run11 500 GeV Projection New Trigger Upgrade MuID Trigger Rate 9 MHz 90 kHz σ tot =60mb L=1.5x10 32 cm -2 s -1 BBC  MuID Rejection Power RP~100 Trigger Upgrade RP ~ 45 2 kHz PHENIX Band Width for Muon Required Rejection Power RP tot ~ 4500 1.High Rejection Power 2.High Efficiency 1.High Rejection Power 2.High Efficiency W

22 22 New MuTRIG-FEE in North Arm  Before Install 2008 Install 

23 Diagnosis 23 Threshold scan. ✔ Angular distribution of cosmic ✔ Antimask all octants ✔ Fiber swap btwn MRG&LL1

24 For more information S. Adachi, et. al., Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A (2013), pp. 114-132

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