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Chapter 5 Content and Academic Vocabulary Test Review TEST TOMORROW!

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 Content and Academic Vocabulary Test Review TEST TOMORROW!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 Content and Academic Vocabulary Test Review TEST TOMORROW!

2 MILITIA groups of citizen soldiers

3 CONSENT permit, approve or agree (The colonists argued that they could not be taxed without their agreement.)

4 LOYALISTS those colonists who decided to support Britain

5 ACQUIRE to come into possession or ownership of (the British gained French lands east of the Mississippi River as a result of winning the French and Indian War)

6 PROPAGANDA information designed to influence opinion

7 NON-IMPORTATION (AGREEMENTS) not to buy or use imported goods (usually businesses

8 EFFIGY a life-size rag figure representing a hated person

9 REVOLUTION overthrow of an established government (The colonists were left with no other choice than to fight for their liberties against the British and form their own country.)

10 WRITS OF ASSISSTANCE legal documents that allowed the search of homes and warehouses

11 DRAFTED to draw up in written form (such as the writing of the Declaration of Independence)

12 PATRIOTS colonists determined to fight against Britain for American independence

13 VIOLATE to break or disregard; to infringe (a law or agreement) (Colonial settlers argued that Parliament was infringing on their liberties.)

14 LEVY impose or collect by authority or force (The Declaratory Act stated that Parliament had the right to place taxes on the colonists “in all cases what so ever.”

15 PETITION a formal request

16 PROHIBIT to prevent or hinder by authority or action of law (The Proclamation of 1763 prevented colonial settlement west of the Appalachians after the French and Indian War.)

17 PRINCIPLES accepted, fundamental or primary truths (such as those expressed in Declaration of Independence

18 MINUTEMEN militia companies ready to fight at a moment’s notice

19 POLICY course of action or procedure (The British action of taxation in the colonies led to the American Revolution_

20 REPEAL to cancel or officially withdraw

21 OCCUPY to take possession or control of (The British sent thousands of soldiers to control Boston.)

22 COMMITTEES OF CORRESPONDENCE an organization that circulated writings about colonists’ grievances against Britain

23 CHALLENGE demand to explain or justify (The colonists argued that Parliament did not have the right to tax them because colonists were not represented.)

24 BOYCOTT to refuse to buy, use, or have dealings with

25 RESOLUTION a formal expression of opinion

26 REVENUE incoming money

27 PREAMBLE introduction to a formal document such as the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution

28 MAINTAIN to affirm, assert or declare (The colonists asserted their rights as Englishmen)

29 Independence Freedom from the control of another

30 Unalienable (unalienable rights) Can not be surrendered or taken away

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