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States of Consciousnes s Hynnosis, Psychoactive Drugs, Hallucinogens.

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Presentation on theme: "States of Consciousnes s Hynnosis, Psychoactive Drugs, Hallucinogens."— Presentation transcript:

1 States of Consciousnes s Hynnosis, Psychoactive Drugs, Hallucinogens

2 Hypnosis  Altered state of consciousness during which people respond to suggestions & behave as if in a trance  EEG show your brain waves don’t change under hypnosis  Hypnotists begin by asking you to focus on something specific  Usually suggest limbs are getting heavy  People under hypnosis don’t sleep  Can only be hypnotized if they allow themselves to be  No accepted generalized explanation for hypnosis

3 What do we use it for?  Reliving past events - Police have used it to aide witnesses to recall information from a crime  Get the details incorrect  Under some circumstances, it can be used to help people prevent pain  Posthypnotic suggestion – therapist gives instructions during hypnosis to be carried out after the session  Used to help people quit bad habits  Link habit to something disgusting, so they are disgusted by the habit.

4 Psychoactive Drugs  Drugs can distort your perception, moods, and perceptions  Drug abuse is not limited to illegal drugs  Legal drugs – alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine  More someone use a drug the more tolerant an individual becomes  Brain chemistry changes to depend on drugs – withdrawal  Depressants – drugs that slow the activity of the nervous system  Supposed to make you feel relaxed  Include alcohol & narcotics

5 Alcohol  Alcohol (depressant) is the most widely used drug in the U.S.  High doses put a person to sleep  Too much is lethal  People make choices under the influence that they would not make sober  Heavy drinking is related to cancer, liver problems, heart problems

6 Narcotics  Addictive depressants used to suppress pain  Morphine, heroin,  Heroin addicts usually experience deep depression when coming off heroin.  High doses may impair judgment, depress the respiratory system, cause coma, even death.  Addicts have withdrawal when they try to stop taking narcotics  Withdrawal Symptoms: tremors, cramps, chills, rapid heartbeat, insomnia, vomiting, & diarrhea

7 Stimulants  Stimulants increase the activity of the nervous system  Nicotine spurs the release of the hormone adrenaline, which causes the heart rate to increase  Reduces appetite & raises rate at which the body changes food to energy  Amphetamines – stimulant that helps people stay awake & loose appetite  Stay up for days, “crashes” cause depression  Sometimes hallucinate (see/hear something that seems real but isn’t)  Also cause delusions (false idea that seems real)

8 Hallucinogens  Drugs that produce hallucinations  Can cause feelings of:  Relaxation  Happiness  Panic  Marijuana – distorts perception of time  Song seems to last hours, lasts a few minutes  Visual hallucinations are common  LSD is an unpredictable drug  Can become frightened & commit suicide  Lasting effects: memory loss, violent outburts, nightmares & panic

9 How do cigarette & alcohol companies try to influence you?  What impression of consumption does each image project?  How does this impression compare with factual information regarding consumption?  Comparing the older images with the newer ads, how have such advertisements changed or remained the same over time?  Support your responses with evidence  How does the media influence the use of drugs & alcohol in America?






15  Targetting kids : ONU Targetting kids : ONU  Alcohol focused on teens: yuA4&NR=1 Alcohol focused on teens: yuA4&NR=1

16 Design an Informative AD  Design your own informative ad educating people to the realities of cigarettes, alcohol, & drugs  Choose one, make it informative & like a flyer  Include images, put some effort into it  Pg 144- 149  Give Factual Support

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