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Fig. 15-CO, p. 406. Fig. 15-1, p. 408 Carbon dioxide Relative concentration 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.50.5 0 Time (billions of years ago) Animals arise Oxygen begins.

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Presentation on theme: "Fig. 15-CO, p. 406. Fig. 15-1, p. 408 Carbon dioxide Relative concentration 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.50.5 0 Time (billions of years ago) Animals arise Oxygen begins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig. 15-CO, p. 406

2 Fig. 15-1, p. 408

3 Carbon dioxide Relative concentration 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.50.5 0 Time (billions of years ago) Animals arise Oxygen begins to accumulate in the atmosphere Oxygen-producing cyano bacteria get their start First microscopic life begins consuming carbon dioxide Greenhouse warming due to high carbon dioxide level compensates for the faint, young sun Oxygen

4 Fig. 15-2a, p. 409

5 Fig. 15-2b, p. 409

6 Fig. 15-2c, p. 409

7 Table 15-1, p. 409

8 Fig. 15-3, p. 410

9 Fig. 15-3a, p. 410

10 Fig. 15-3b-d, p. 410 Water out Spicules Amoeboid cell Pore Mesoglea Central cavity Flattened surface cells c FlagellumMicrovilliNucleus Water in d Collar cell b

11 Fig. 15-3b-d, p. 410 Water out Central cavity Water in Collar cell Flagellum Flattened surface cells Mesoglea Pore Amoeboid cell Spicules Stepped Art Nucleus Microvilli

12 Fig. 15-4, p. 411

13 Fig. 15-5, p. 411

14 Fig. 15-6a, p. 412

15 Fig. 15-6b, p. 412

16 Tentacles with stinging cells Epidermal tissue Mouth Digestive cavity Interior partition Symbiotic zooxanthellae Mesenteric filaments Layers of calcium carbonate forming a skeleton b

17 Fig. 15-7, p. 413

18 Box 15-1, p. 414

19 Fig. 15-8, p. 415

20 Fig. 15-9, p. 415

21 Fig. 15-10, p. 416

22 Clam Digestive tract Foot Snail Shell Squid

23 Fig. 15-11, p. 416

24 Fig. 15-12, p. 416

25 Fig. 15-13, p. 417

26 Left gill Left mantle Muscle Shell Muscle Mouth Exhalant flow Inhalant flow Foot Right mantle Sand and debris being rejected Inhalant Palps String of mucus

27 Fig. 15-14, p. 417

28 Fig. 15-15a, p. 418

29 Fig. 15-15b, p. 418

30 Fig. 15-16, p. 418

31 Vertebrates (with endoskeletons) Size Arthropods (with exoskeletons) Age

32 Fig. 15-17a, p. 419

33 Fig. 15-17b, p. 419

34 Fig. 15-18a, p. 420

35 Fig. 15-18b, p. 420

36 Fig. 15-19, p. 421

37 Sieve plate Ring canal Radial canal Ampulla Stone canal Transverse canal Tube feet

38 Fig. 15-20, p. 421

39 Fig. 15-21a, p. 422

40 Oral opening Atrial opening Pharynx with slits

41 Fig. 15-21b, p. 422

42 Fig. 15-22, p. 422

43 Fig. 15-23, p. 423

44 Lancelets (like Amphioxus) Jawless fishes Cartilaginous fishes Bony fishes TunicatesAmphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals Recent 135 375 Uro- chordates Cephalo- chordates Ancestral vertebrates 500 Millions of years ago Ancestral chordates (probably filter feeders)

45 Fig. 15-24a, p. 424

46 Fig. 15-24b, p. 424

47 Fig. 15-25, p. 425

48 Fig. 15-26, p. 426

49 Fig. 15-27, p. 426

50 Fig. 15-28, p. 426

51 Fig. 15-29, p. 427

52 Moray eel (1.5 m, 5 ft) Sunfish (to 2 m, 6.6 ft) Lionfish (15 cm, 6 in.) Weedy seadragon (25 cm, 10 in.) Scrawled cowfish (10 cm, 4 in.) Redfish Typical form of teleost fish (25 cm, 10 in.)

53 Fig. 15-30a-c, p. 428

54 Disk Sphere Teardrop a b c

55 Fig. 15-30d, p. 428

56 Fig. 15-31, p. 428

57 13 2 2 Path of motion 3 1 a Eel-like fishes Moving hinge 1 2 5 3 4 4 3 5 1 2 b Advanced fishes Path of motion

58 Fig. 15-32, p. 429

59 Oxygen-enriched bloodOxygen-poor blood Gill arch Gill membrane a b c

60 Fig. 15-33, p. 430

61 Fig. 15-33a, p. 430 Salinity of fresh water = 00‰ Salinity of body fluids = 8‰–10‰ Internal fluids are saltier than the surrounding water Water gain by osmosis Does not drink Salt absorbed by gills Large volume of diluted urine removes excess water a Freshwater fish

62 Fig. 15-33b, p. 430 Salinity of seawater = 35‰ Salinity of body fluids = 8‰–14‰ External environment is saltier than body fluids Water loss by osmosis Drinks seawater Salt excreted by special glands in gills Very small amount of urine produced by kidneys to conserve water b Marine fish

63 Fig. 15-34, p. 431

64 Fig. 15-35, p. 432

65 Fig. 15-36, p. 432

66 Fig. 15-37, p. 433

67 Fig. 15-38a, p. 435

68 Fig. 15-38b, p. 435

69 Fig. 15-39a, p. 436

70 Humpback whale Bowhead whale Right whaleMinke whale Blue whale Fin whale Feeding on krill Sei whale Gray whale Mysticetes (baleen whales)

71 Fig. 15-39b, p. 437

72 Atlantic white-sided dolphin Common dolphin Harbor porpoise Killer whale Beluga whale Bottle-nosed dolphin False killer whale Cuvier’s beaked whale Pilot whale Narwhal Pygmy sperm whale Sperm whale Squid Baird’s beaked whale 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 m 0102030405060708090100 ft Odontocetes (toothed whales)

73 Fig. 15-40, p. 438

74 Returning echoes Short high- frequency sound pulses

75 Fig. 15-41a, p. 439

76 Fig. 15-41b, p. 439

77 Fig. 15-42, p. 439

78 Fig. 15-43a, p. 440

79 Fig. 15-43b, p. 440

80 Fig. 15-44, p. 441

81 Fig. 15-45, p. 441

82 Fig. 15-46, p. 442

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