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BIOTIC FACTORS Výukový materiál EK 01 - 13 Tvůrce: Ing. Marie Jiráková Tvůrce anglické verze: Mgr. Milan Smejkal Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších.

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Presentation on theme: "BIOTIC FACTORS Výukový materiál EK 01 - 13 Tvůrce: Ing. Marie Jiráková Tvůrce anglické verze: Mgr. Milan Smejkal Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIOTIC FACTORS Výukový materiál EK 01 - 13 Tvůrce: Ing. Marie Jiráková Tvůrce anglické verze: Mgr. Milan Smejkal Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/03.0005 Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR

2 BIOTIC FACTORS are made up of components of animate nature each individual in the environment is influenced by: individuals of the same species (populations) individuals of various species (communities)

3 POPULATION A set of individuals of the same species living in a certain place at a certain time

4 POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS density placement structure – composition growth

5 POPULATION DENSITY represents the number of individuals in a certain area (small organisms - large, large organisms - small)

6 PLACEMENT uniform – a planted forest random - trees in the park clustered – herds of herbivores

7 STRUCTURE - COMPOSITION is determined by: the ratio between the sexes the age structure of individuals the social structure - a hierarchy

8 GROWTH important is the correlation between the birth and death rates other factors are: migration emigration immigration

9 RELATIONS BETWEEN POPULATIONS competition predation parasitism symbiosis

10 COMMUNITY - BIOCENOSIS a set of individuals of different species of organisms living in a specific place at a certain time important are: interspecific relations stability autoregulation

11 FEATURES OF COMMUNITIES species diversity various arrangements changeability

12 WORKSHEET - REVISION Biotic factors are made up of components of ………….. nature. Each individual in the environment is influenced by ……and ………. Population is a set of individuals ………………….. Community is a set of …………………….……. Populations have these characteristics: …………, ……………, …………… and …………. Relations between populations are …….., …………….., ……………, …………….

13 SOURCES PAPÁČEK, Miroslav a kol. Zoologie. Praha: pedagogické nakladatelství, 2000, ISBN 80- 7183-203-0. KVASNIČKOVÁ, Danuše. Základy ekologie. Praha: Scientia,spol.s r.o., 1994, ISBN 80- 85827-84-0

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