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Modular Arithmetic and the RSA Cryptosystem Great Theoretical Ideas In Computer Science John LaffertyCS 15-251 Fall 2005 Lecture 9Sept 27, 2005Carnegie.

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2 Modular Arithmetic and the RSA Cryptosystem Great Theoretical Ideas In Computer Science John LaffertyCS 15-251 Fall 2005 Lecture 9Sept 27, 2005Carnegie Mellon University p-1 ´p´p 1

3 MAX(a,b) + MIN(a,b) = a+b

4 n|m means that m is an integer multiple of n. We say that “n divides m”. True: 5|25 2|-66 7|35, False: 4|5 8|2

5 Greatest Common Divisor: GCD(x,y) = greatest k ¸ 1 s.t. k|x and k|y.

6 GCD: Greatest Common Divisor What is the GCD of 12 and 18?

7 Least Common Multiple: LCM(x,y) = smallest k ¸ 1 s.t. x|k and y|k. Prop: GCD(x,y) = xy/LCM(x,y) LCM(x,y) = xy/GCD(x,y)

8 GCD(x,y) = xy/LCM(x,y) LCM(x,y) = xy/GCD(x,y) x = 2 2 *3 = 12; y= 3 2 *5 = 45 GCD(12,45) = 3 LCM(12,45) = 2 2 *3 2 *5 =180 x*y = 540

9 GCD(x,y) * LCM(x,y) = xy MAX(a,b) + MIN(a,b) = a+b

10 (a mod n) means the remainder when a is divided by n. If dn + r = a, 0 <= r < n Then r = (a mod n) and d = (a div n)

11 Modular equivalence of integers a and b: a ´ b [mod n] a ´ n b “a and b are equivalent modulo n” iff (a mod n) = (b mod n) iff n|(a-b)

12 31 equals 81 modulo 2 31 ´ 81 [mod 2] 31 ´ 2 81 (31 mod 2) = 1 = (81 mod 2) 2|(31- 81)

13 ´ n is an equivalence relation In other words, Reflexive: a ´ n a Symmetric: (a ´ n b) ) (b ´ n a) Transitive: (a ´ n b and b ´ n c) ) (a ´ n c)

14 a ´ n b $ n|(a-b) “a and b are equivalent modulo n” ´ n induces a natural partition of the integers into n classes: a and b are said to be in the same “residue class” or “congruence class” exactly when a ´ n b.

15 a ´ n b $ n|(a-b) “a and b are equivalent modulo n” Define the residue class [i] to be the set of all integers that are congruent to i modulo n.

16 Residue Classes Mod 3: [0] = { …, -6, -3, 0, 3, 6,..} [1] = { …, -5, -2, 1, 4, 7,..} [2] = { …, -4, -1, 2, 5, 8,..} [-6] = { …, -6, -3, 0, 3, 6,..} [7] = { …, -5, -2, 1, 4, 7,..} [-1] = { …, -4, -1, 2, 5, 8,..}

17 Equivalence mod n implies equivalence mod any divisor of n. If (x ´ n y) and (k|n) Then: x ´ k y Example: 10 ´ 6 16 ) 10 ´ 3 16

18 If (x ´ n y) and (k|n) Then: x ´ k y

19 Fundamental lemma of plus, minus, and times modulo n: If (x ´ n y) and (a ´ n b) Then: 1) x+a ´ n y+b 2) x-a ´ n y-b 3) xa ´ n yb

20 Proof of 3: xa = yb (mod n)

21 Fundamental lemma of plus minus, and times modulo n: When doing plus, minus, and times modulo n, I can at any time in the calculation replace a number with a number in the same residue class modulo n

22 Please calculate: 249 * 504 mod 251 -2 * 2 = -4 = 247

23 A Unique Representation System Modulo n: We pick exactly one representative from each residue class. We do all our calculations using these representatives.

24 Unique representation system modulo 3 Finite set S = {0, 1, 2} + and * defined on S: +012 0012 1120 2201 *012 0000 1012 2021

25 Unique representation system modulo 3 Finite set S = {0, 1, -1} + and * defined on S: +01 001 11 0 01 *01 0000 101 0 1

26 The reduced system modulo n: Z n = {0, 1, 2, …, n-1} Define + n and * n : a + n b = (a+b mod n) a * n b = (a*b mod n)

27 Z n = {0, 1, 2, …, n-1} a + n b = (a+b mod n) a * n b = (a*b mod n) + n and * n are associative binary operators from Z n X Z n ! Z n : When ~ = + n or * n : [Closed] x,y 2 Z n ) x ~ y 2 Z n [Associative] x,y,z 2 Z n ) ( x ~ y ) ~ z = x ~ ( y ~ z )

28 Z n = {0, 1, 2, …, n-1} a + n b = (a+b mod n) a * n b = (a*b mod n) + n and * n are commutative, associative binary operators from Z n X Z n ! Z n : [Commutative] x,y 2 Z n ) x ~ y = y ~ x

29 The reduced system modulo 3 Z 3 = {0, 1, 2} Two binary, associative operators on Z 3 : +3+3 012 0012 1120 2201 *3*3 012 0000 1012 2021

30 The Boolean interpretation of Z 2 = {0, 1} 0 means FALSE 1 means TRUE + 2 XOR 01 001 110 * 2 AND 01 000 101

31 The reduced system Z 4 = {0, 1,2,3} +0123 00123 11230 22301 33012 *0123 00000 10123 20202 30321

32 The reduced system Z 5 = {0, 1,2,3,4} +01234 001234 112340 223401 334012 440123 *01234 000000 10 20 30 40

33 The reduced system Z 6 = {0, 1,2,3,4,5} +012345 0012345 1123450 2234501 3345012 4450123 5501234 *012345 0000000 10 20 30 40 50

34 The reduced system Z 6 = {0, 1,2,3,4,5} +012345 0012345 1123450 2234501 3345012 4450123 5501234 An operator has the permutation property if each row and each column has a permutation of the elements.

35 For every n, + n on Z n has the permutation property +012345 0012345 1123450 2234501 3345012 4450123 5501234 An operator has the permutation property if each row and each column has a permutation of the elements.

36 There are exactly 8 distinct multiples of 3 modulo 8. 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

37 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

38 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

39 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

40 There are exactly 8 distinct multiples of 3 modulo 8.. 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

41 There are exactly 8 distinct multiples of 3 modulo 8. 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

42 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

43 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

44 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

45 There are exactly 2 distinct multiples of 4 modulo 8. 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

46 There are exactly 2 distinct multiples of 4 modulo 8 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

47 There is exactly 1 distinct multiple of 8 modulo 8 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

48 There are exactly 4 distinct multiples of 6 modulo 8 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

49 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

50 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

51 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

52 7 53 1 0 6 2 4

53 There are exactly ? distinct multiples of ? modulo ? Can you see the general rule?

54 There are exactly LCM(n,c)/c distinct multiples of c modulo n

55 There are exactly n/(nc/LCM(n,c)) distinct multiples of c modulo n There are exactly n/GCD(c,n) distinct multiples of c modulo n

56 The multiples of c modulo n is the set: {0, c, c + n c, c + n c + n c, ….} ={kc mod n | 0 <= k <= n-1} 7 53 1 0 6 2 4 Multiples of 6

57 Theorem: There are exactly k= n/GCD(c,n) = LCM(c,n)/c distinct multiples of c modulo n: { c*i mod n | 0 <= i < k } Clearly, c/GCD(c,n) ¸ 1 is a whole number ck = n [c/GCD(c,n)] ´ n 0 There are <= k distinct multiples of c mod n: c*0, c*1, c*2, …, c*(k-1) k is all the factors of n missing from c cx ´ n cy $ n|c(x-y) ) k|(x-y) ) x-y ¸ k There are ¸ k multiples of c

58 Is there a fundamental lemma of division modulo n? cx ´ n cy ) x ´ n y ?

59 Is there a fundamental lemma of division modulo n? cx ´ n cy ) x ´ n y ? NO! If c=0 [mod n], cx ´ n cy for any x and y. Canceling the c is like dividing by zero.

60 Repaired fundamental lemma of division modulo n? c  0 (mod n), cx ´ n cy ) x ´ n y ? 6*3 ´ 10 6*8, but not 3 ´ 10 8. 2*2 ´ 6 2*5, but not 2 ´ 6 5.

61 When can I divide by c? Theorem: There are exactly n/GCD(c.n) distinct multiples of c modulo n. Corollary: If GCD(c,n) > 1, then the number of multiples of c is less than n. Corollary: If GCD(c,n)>1 then you can’t always divide by c. Proof: There must exist distinct x,y<n such that c*x=c*y (but x  y)

62 Fundamental lemma of division modulo n. GCD(c,n)=1, ca ´ n cb ) a ´ n b

63 Corollary for general c: cx ´ n cy ) x ´ n/GCD(c,n) y

64 Fundamental lemma of division modulo n. GCD(c,n)=1, ca ´ n cb ) a ´ n b Z n * = {x 2 Z n | GCD(x,n) =1} Multiplication over Z n * will have the cancellation property.

65 Z 6 = {0, 1,2,3,4,5} Z 6 * = {1,5} +012345 0012345 1123450 2234501 3345012 4450123 5501234 *012345 0000000 1012345 2024024 3030303 4042042 5054321

66 Suppose GCD(x,n) =1 and GCD(y,n) =1 Let z = xy and z’ = (xy mod n) It is clear that GCD(z,n) =1. A moment’s thought convinces us that GCD(z’,n)=1

67 Z n * = {x 2 Z n | GCD(x,n) =1} * n is an associative, binary operator. In particular, Z n * is closed under * n : x,y 2 Z n * ) x * n y 2 Z n *. Proof: Let z = xy. Let z’ = z mod n. z = z’ + kn. Suppose there exists a prime p>1 p|z’ and p|n. z is the sum of two multiples of p, so p|z. p|z ) that p|x or p|y. Contradiction of x,y 2 Z n *

68 Z 12 * = {1,5,7,11} * 12 15711 1157 551 7 77 15 751

69 Z 15 * *12478111314 112478111314 2248 171113 4481 214711 771413411218 8812 413147 11 714213184 117114842 131187421

70 Z 5 * = {1,2,3,4} *5*5 1234 11234 22413 33142 44321

71 The column permutation property is equivalent to the right cancellation property: [b * a = c * a] ) b=c *12a4 b1234 22413 c3142 44321

72 The row permutation property is equivalent to the left cancellation property: [a * b = a *c] ) b=c *b2c4 11234 22413 a3142 44321

73 Euler Phi Function  (n) = size of Z n * = number of 1<=k<n that are relatively prime to n. p prime ) Z p * = {1,2,3,…,p-1} )  (p) = p-1

74 Z 12 * = {1,5,7,11}  12) = 4 * 12 15711 1157 551 7 77 15 751

75  (pq) = (p-1)(q-1) if p,q distinct primes pq = # of numbers from 1 to pq p = # of multiples of q up to pq q = # of multiples of p up to pq 1 = # of multiple of both p and q up to pq  (pq) = pq – p – q + 1 = (p-1)(q-1)

76 Let’s consider how we do arithmetic in Z n and in Z n *

77 The additive inverse of a 2 Z n is the unique b 2 Z n such that a + n b ´ n 0. We denote this inverse by “–a”. It is trivial to calculate: “-a” = (n-a).

78 The multiplicative inverse of a 2 Z n * is the unique b 2 Z n * such that a * n b ´ n 1. We denote this inverse by “a - 1 ” or “1/a”. The unique inverse of a must exist because the a row contains a permutation of the elements and hence contains a unique 1. *1b34 11234 22413 a3142 44321

79 The multiplicative inverse of a 2 Z n * is the unique b 2 Z n * such that a * n b ´ n 1. We denote this inverse by “a -1 ” or “1/a”. Efficient algorithm to compute a -1 from a and n. Execute the Extended Euclidean Algorithm on a and n. It will give two integers r and s such that: ra + sn = (a,n) = 1 Taking both sides mod n, we obtain: rn ´ n 1 Output r, which is the inverse of a

80 Z n = {0, 1, 2, …, n-1} Z n * = {x 2 Z n | GCD(x,n) =1} Define + n and * n : a + n b = (a+b mod n) a * n b = (a*b mod n) c * n ( a + n b) ´ n (c * n a) + n (c* n b) 1.Closed 2.Associative 3.0 is identity 4.Additive Inverses 5.Cancellation 6.Commutative 1.Closed 2.Associative 3.1 is identity 4.Multiplicative Inverses 5.Cancellation 6.Commutative

81 Fundamental lemma of powers? If (a ´ n b) Then x a ´ n x b ?

82 If (a ´ n b) Then x a ´ n x b ? NO! (16 ´ 15 1), but it is not the case that: 2 1 ´ 15 2 16

83 Calculate a b mod n: Except for b, work in a reduced mod system to keep all intermediate results less than b log 2 (n) c + 1 bits long. Phase I(Repeated Multiplication) For  log b  steps multiply largest so far by a (a, a 2, a 4, … ) Phase II(Make a b from bits and pieces) Expand n in binary to see how n is the sum powers of 2. Assemble a b by multiplying together appropriate powers of a.

84 By the permutation property, two names for the same set: Z n * = Z n a Z n a = {a * n x | x 2 Z n * }, a 2 Z n * *b2c4 11234 22413 a3142 44321

85 Two products on the same set: Z n * = Z n a Z n a = {a * n x | x 2 Z n * }, a 2 Z n *  x ´ n  ax [as x ranges over Z n * ]  x ´ n  x (a size of Zn* ) [Commutativity] 1 = a size of Zn* [Cancellation] a  (n) = 1

86 Euler’s Theorem a 2 Z n *, a  (n) ´ n 1 Fermat’s Little Theorem p prime, a 2 Z p * ) a p-1 ´ p 1

87 Fundamental lemma of powers. Suppose x 2 Z n *, and a,b,n are naturals. If a ´  (n) b Then x a ´ n x b Equivalently, x a mod  (n) ´ n x b mod  (n)

88 Calculate a b mod n: Use the repeated squaring method to compute a, a 2, a 4, … But take exponents modulo  (n)

89 Defining negative powers. Suppose x 2 Z n *, and a,n are naturals. x -a is defined to be the multiplicative inverse of X a X -a = (X a ) -1

90 Rule of integer exponents Suppose x,y 2 Z n *, and a,b are integers. (xy) -1 ´ n x -1 y -1 X a X b ´ n X a+b

91 Lemma of integer powers. Suppose x 2 Z n *, and a,b are integers. If a ´  (n) b Then x a ´ n x b Equivalently, x a mod  (n) ´ n x b mod  (n)

92 Z n = {0, 1, 2, …, n-1} Z n * = {x 2 Z n | GCD(x,n) =1} Quick raising to power. 1.Closed 2.Associative 3.0 is identity 4.Additive Inverses Fast + and - 5.Cancellation 6.Commutative 1.Closed 2.Associative 3.1 is identity 4.Multiplicative Inverses Fast * and / 5.Cancellation 6.Commutative

93 Euler Phi Function  (n) = size of z n * p prime ) Z p * = {1,2,3,…,p-1} )  (p) = p-1  (pq) = (p-1)(q-1) if p,q distinct primes

94 The RSA Cryptosystem Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman (1978) RSA is one of the most used cryptographic protocols on the net. Your browser uses it to establish a secure session with a site.

95 Pick secret, random k-bit primes: p,q “Publish”: n = p*q  (n) =  (p)  (q) = (p-1)*(q-1) Pick random e  Z *  (n) “Publish”: e Compute d = inverse of e in Z *  (n) Hence, e*d = 1 [ mod  (n) ] “Private Key”: d

96 n,e is my public key. Use it to send a message to me. p,q random primes, e random  Z *  (n) n = p*q e*d = 1 [ mod  (n) ]

97 n,e p,q prime, e random  Z *  (n) n = p*q e*d = 1 [ mod  (n) ] m

98 n,e p,q prime, e random  Z *  (n) n = p*q e*d = 1 [ mod  (n) ] m m e [mod n]

99 n,e p,q prime, e random  Z *  (n) n = p*q e*d = 1 [ mod  (n) ] m m e [mod n] (m e ) d ´ n m

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