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By Dave Batty 506.04 revised 03/2010 1.

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Presentation on theme: "By Dave Batty 506.04 revised 03/2010 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Dave Batty 506.04 revised 03/2010 1

2  You can have a plan, but still have poor structure.  The student is the main character in your class.  Everything else is there to serve the student.  Everything presented is there to lead to the main objective--an effective personal application. 506.04 revised 03/2010 2

3 3

4 1.HookGet their attention 5 minutes 2.BookBible study new information 20-25 minutes 3.LookRelate this info. to present day living 10+ minutes 4.TookPersonal Application 5+ minutes 506.04 revised 03/2010 4

5 Phase 1 1.Start a file 2.Read student manual 3.Read teacher lesson plan 4.Check the study guide 5.Personal notes -Debrief notes from past teaching 6.Take the test 506.04 revised 03/2010 5

6 1. Pray 2. Review Key Biblical Truth & Key Verse 3. Separate notes into 4 groups Hook Book Look Took 4. Brainstorm ideas --methods of teaching 5. Write rough draft of lesson plan --with time estimates 506.04 revised 03/2010 6

7 6. Cut, cut, cut! 7. Add time for discussion, Q&A 8. Add illustrations 9. Mark top priority points in lesson plan 10. Cut, cut, cut! 11. Prepare visuals 506.04 revised 03/2010 7

8 1.Teach it! 2.Mark actual time by each activity 3.Mark question & answer time--jot down questions 4.“D” for discussion time 506.04 revised 03/2010 8

9 5.Narrow the focus General information Personal application 506.04 revised 03/2010 9

10 1.Debrief 2.Were the Key Biblical Truth and Key Verse on target? 3.Evaluate the effectiveness of each of the 4 major parts of your lesson. Hook, Book, Look, Took 4. Write down your ideas for teaching next time. 506.04 revised 03/2010 10

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