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Bradford Property Forum LOCALISM AND BRADFORD’S PROPERTY MARKET Matthew Sheppard, Turley Associates.

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Presentation on theme: "Bradford Property Forum LOCALISM AND BRADFORD’S PROPERTY MARKET Matthew Sheppard, Turley Associates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bradford Property Forum LOCALISM AND BRADFORD’S PROPERTY MARKET Matthew Sheppard, Turley Associates

2 ●What is Localism? ●Planning and Property ●Implications Agenda INTRODUCTION

3 “This is about pushing power outwards, downwards as far as possible… all the possibilities that arise from local communities seizing power themselves… And taking on the responsibilities and the consequences of getting things right and getting them wrong.” What is Localism?

4 Essential Actions for Decentralisation

5 ●New freedoms and flexibility for Local Government ●New rights and powers for communities ●Planning reform: Clearer, democratic and more effective ●Local housing decisions The Localism Bill Royal Assent in November?

6 ●National Planning Policy Framework ●Abolition of Regional Plan ●Neighbourhood Plans and Forums ●Community Right to Buy and Build ●Requirement for Consultation ●Stronger enforcement regime ●Infrastructure funding and improvement ●Reduced powers of planning Inspectors (forward planning) ●Duty to Co-operate ●IPC abolished, MIPU Created Key provisions Planning and Property

7 ●Move towards local decision making: ●Strategic Targets ●Local decisions ●Greater community influence: ●Local Referenda ●Assets of Community Value ●Engagement Requirements ●NIMBY Charter? ●Effects on Growth and Recovery? ●Different, rather than fewer, hurdles? Overview and Industry Concerns Localism and Planning

8 Recent developments Ministerial Statements ●Planning for Growth ●“Presumption in favour” ●Supporting enterprise ●Facilitating development ●Sustainable development is the key The Governments clear expectation is that the answer to development and growth should wherever possible be “yes”, except where this would compromise…key sustainable development principles.

9 ●What carries more weight? ●Are local desires necessarily anti- growth? ●Does the Draft National Planning Policy Framework say anything fundamentally different? ●Should we be focussing on opportunities? Localism v Growth? Tensions?

10 Implications for Bradford?

11 ●Strong local feeling for landmark buildings ●Strong local desire to see action ●Level of protection for owners? ●Developers and Asset Owners: ●Delays to sale / purchase while community groups decide to bid ●Stifle progress? ●Community Groups: ●Competition and commercial deliverability concerns? Assets of Community Value

12 ●No firm guide on detail ●Plan to accord with National and strategic plans ●“Neighbourhood” applies to LPA to make the plan ●Majority vote to secure plan content ●Developers and businesses: ●Get involved in forum / plan ●Community Groups: ●Funding and commerciality concerns? ●Local Authority: ●Funding and technical support requirement ●Balancing of views is important to achieve deliverable results Neighbourhood Plans

13 ●Neighbourhood initiates process of granting permission ●Referendum must support ●Local Authority makes Order ●Can refuse, but grounds limited Neighbourhood Development Orders

14 ●People, Councillors, Council can call. ●Local referendum on any local issue ●Non-binding, but… ●Public authorities required to take into account in decision making ●Developers: ●Potential to delay ●Material consideration in planning decisions? ●Local Communities: ●Stronger than petition ●Must be considered Local Referenda

15 ●Money raised from development to provide infrastructure ●Changed to also allow maintenance of existing infrastructure ●Wording concerns- spend on service provision to plug public funding gaps? ●Developers: ●Mitigate effects and balance community concerns ●Community Groups: ●Funding source for assets of value? Community Infrastructure Levy

16 ●Good practice for major schemes ●Early involvement of community ●Developers: ●Be realistic and commercial ●Balance important ●Show how comments taken on board Consultation and Engagement

17 ●Diversity across the District means different responses likely in different areas. ●General restraint? ●Promoting activity? ●Old tensions remain ●Balance still required ●New mechanisms mean new approach ●Best Practice in community engagement to become standard Overview

18 ●Get involved across more tiers of local planning ●Think ahead- what will you need to influence? ●Embrace change ●Engage in and lead the process ●Listen and respond ●Use evidence to balance unrealistic desires ●Involve others early What can you do? The Way Forward?

19 Thank you

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