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Group 1: Anthony, Brandon, De Quan, Bing Hong, Dominic.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 1: Anthony, Brandon, De Quan, Bing Hong, Dominic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 1: Anthony, Brandon, De Quan, Bing Hong, Dominic

2  Overview of presentation  Introduction and Background by Dominic Tan  Procedure, Methodology and Results & Discussion by Brandon Lim  Conclusion of Project and Research, Application by Chan De Quan  Problems encountered and solved, limitations, constraints and delimitations by Chua Bing Hong  Suggestion for better approach to problem and suggestion for future extension to project by Anthony Lim


4 Background - Facebook is a massive social networking site - Its social applications are garnering millions of fans across the globe - Examples are Mousehunt, Farmville and Cityville - These social applications have been proven to affect social skills, grades and in some cases, health when played in excess

5 Problem statement-objectives - Find the different ways to tackle the problem of addiction to Facebook social applications in Raffles Institution(RI) Year 2 boys - To create awareness among all RI students to reduce their usage of Facebook social applications to prevent themselves from getting addicted - To study and understand the effect that social applications have on health

6 Hypothesis - Addiction to Facebook social applications affects the physical and mental health of Year 2 RI students Explanation of what prompted the research - Gap in the Literature - Little research in this area - No local research

7 Brief project description - Addiction to Facebook social applications can affect RI Year 2 boys in many ways, however, in this project, we are mainly focusing on how it affects their physical and mental health. We will be gathering our information through various sources before compiling it into a final report for our teacher- mentor to review.


9  Conducted a social survey  Purpose was to find out: -how addiction to Facebook social applications affect physical and mental health. -the extent of addiction among Year 2 Rafflesians. Social Survey

10  Sample size: 20  Respondents: Obtained through random sampling  Profile of 20 respondents: 14 years old, Male, Secondary 2  Survey questions: 10 questions, structured to give insight into topic  Pilot survey: Conducted with a few to validate questionnaire  Assuring respondents: Team members reminded respondents of the confidentiality of their response Social Survey




14  Most students use Applications in moderation  Students know that excessive use of Applications will affect their health, thus the reason for using Applications in moderation  Quite a few students are occasionally frustrated by the Applications  Contrary, usage of Applications hardly impacted the students’ self-esteem and they feel good

15  Conducted interview with Mrs Jacqueline Chua in Raffles Institution  Purpose was to reconfirm and find evidence to support the information found so far, and be advised of ways to curb addiction  Ten question were created  Mrs Jacqueline Chua granted permission for the interview about addiction of Facebook applicants.  Voice recorder used during interview to help writing of interview transcript and safeguard against misinterpretations of interviewee’s response  Conducted in Rafflesia Lounge to eliminate noise disturbances Face-to-face interview

16  Head of Department for Character Education in Raffles Institution.  Has a lot of experience in this field  Recommended by Mr Edmund Chow Face-to-face interview

17  Addictions have a common trait: affects grades  People addicted to social applications and gaming are mainly loners who seek friends and power in the virtual world.  Good way to stop an addiction is by stopping completely instead of slowly conditioning oneself to stop it.  Parents are main players in beating addictions.  There is no definite way of determining addiction.  If a person exceeds norm by a large margin, it can be concluded is possibly addicted.  Facebook social applications if played moderately, improves communication skills.

18  We can use the results of our research and project to prove that Facebook social applications is bad to a certain extent and thus persuade parents to set a time limit for students so that more addicts will not surface  Raffles Institution can also impose a ban on all Facebook social application within its broadband area so Year 2 Rafflesians cannot access them.  The Character and Leadership Education (CLE) department can place greater emphasis on Facebook social applications in its curriculum


20 Problems Encountered: - Could not decide on GPP - Irrelevant answers collected from surveys - Interviewee knew little about topic, gave other answers - Limited understanding of how to conduct social surveys, wrong questions asked Solution: - Consulted a teacher and weighed pros and cons - Used other completed survey forms - Linked answers to our topic - Learned from mistakes, tried to improve in interview questions 1) Critique and Self-reflection

21 Limitations/Constraints: - Little time to meet up - Did not know much about Researching - Little time given to finish work Delimitations: - Discussed on the wiki and in chat rooms - Asked the Teacher- Mentor - Worked harder, kept later nights 1) Critique and Self-reflection

22  Could not decide on GPP: For deciding a GPP, we could put it to a vote and have each person debate his PI ( preliminary idea)  Irrelevant answers collected from surveys: We can print extra survey sheets so we will not come up short in case of irrelevant answers  Interviewee knew little about topic, gave other answers: We can ask the interviewee to elaborate so we can find a way to link it to our topic  Limited understanding of how to conduct social surveys, wrong questions asked: We can judge our questions using the CRAP test, evaluating the clarity, relevance, accuracy and precision factors of each question 1) Critique and Self-reflection

23  Analyze other factors where Facebook social applications might affect Year 2 Rafflesians (studies, social skills)  Research on other levels of Rafflesians ( Year 1)  Research on how other games and applications may affect Year 2 RI boys (World of Warcraft might induce violent feelings) 1) Critique and Self-reflection

24  Teacher Mentor, Mr Edmund Chow: Guiding us  Interviewee, Mrs Jacqueline Chua: Spending time to help us in the interview  Survey Group: Helping us in the survey report  Each member of the group: Doing their job well


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