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New Year in Austria Name surname:Bigaleev Damir 10»v»

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1 New Year in Austria Name surname:Bigaleev Damir 10»v»

2 New Year in Austria is a holiday celebrated by the Austrians, in accordance with the Gregorian calendar, coming on the night of December 31 to January 1 to the decree signed by Pope Innocent XII in 1691. During New Year's Eve in Austria will start the carnival season, called Fasching and lasts until Lent. At this time, everywhere balls are hung and festive parties are help.

3 New Year in Austria (as well as in other Catholic countries) is called - the day of St. Sylvester [1] or Silvesterabend. In honor of this holy Austrians make punch of cinnamon, sugar and red wine. Hotels and restaurants are sure to decorate with garlands of green fir branches. And at midnight there was a sound of trumpets, announcing to the world that come the New Year, the sounds of fireworks and fireworks chase away evil spirits of the old year.

4 Main course of Austrians at New Year's table Austrians - suckling pig, which symbolizes good luck in the new year. It is believed that, in order to success was accompanied throughout, it is necessary to eat at least a piece of the head pig or pig snout. Austrians call it - "to take part in the happiness of the pig." The table is decorated with figures of pigs and pigs made of marzipan, sweet, dough or chocolate. Among the "happy meals" on the table must also be present green peas - that money is not transferred, and horseradish - that was great. Another symbol of happiness - four-leaf clover, which is made of mint ice cream.

5 One kind of holiday entertainment - Divination by lead. Melt, it was poured into cold water and form that takes molten tin, judged that the owner is waiting for the figures in the coming year. Very bad sign is the number 13 and an elderly woman, old woman. But the sun or a pointed hat - is the health and wealth of the family! Well, what is Austria without music and balls. It has been for many years at the Vienna Opera on December 31 and January 1st game of the famous operetta by Johann Strauss' "Die Fledermaus". And in the famous Hofburg Palace are Viennese balls. Tickets for these balls must be ordered in advance, namely January 2 Vienna Philharmonic taking orders one day and the whole year

6 On the morning of January 1 children go home and sing Christmas songs in exchange for sweets. People exchange small chocolate or marzipan souvenir for luck (Glucksbringer) in the form of pigs, gold coins, chimney sweeps, clover or horseshoe.


8 In the small village of Filzmoos in the beginning of January the festival of aeronautics, where you can see the competition aeronauts and admire hundreds of whimsical balloons.

9 New year is the funniest and happiness tv auditions


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