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Chapter 7 Animal Classification, Phylogeny, and Organization

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1 Chapter 7 Animal Classification, Phylogeny, and Organization
Opener Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Animal Classification, Phylogeny, and Organization

2 Problem with common names
Crawdads, crayfish, or crawfish? English sparrow, barn sparrow, or a house sparrow? Problem with common names Vary from region to region Common names often does not specify particular species

3 Binomial system of Nomenclature brings order to a chaotic world of common names
Universal Clearly indicates the level of classification No two kinds of animals have the same binomial name Every animal has one correct name International Code of Zoological Nomenclature

4 Homo sapien or H. sapien Genus begins with a Capital letter
Entire name italicized or underlined Homo sapien or H. sapien

5 Kingdom of Life 1969 R. Whittaker- five kingdom classification System of classification that distinguished b/w kingdoms according to cellular organization mode of nutrition

6 Monera- bacteria and cyanobacteria are prokaryotic

7 Protista- single or colonies of eukaryotic cells (Ameoba, Paramecium)

8 Plantae- eukaryotic, multicellular, and photosynthtic
Plantae- eukaryotic, multicellular, and photosynthtic. Have cell wall, and usually nonmotile

9 Fungi-eukaryotic and multicellular. Have cell wall and nonmotile
Fungi-eukaryotic and multicellular. Have cell wall and nonmotile. Mode of nutrition distiguishes fungi from plant- fungi digest extracellularly and absorb the breakdown products

10 Animalia- eukaryotic and multicellular, usually feed by ingesting other organisms, cell lack cell walls, and usually motile

11 Figure 7.2 (a)

12 Challenge of the five class system
Ribosomal RNA excellent for studying evolution rRNA changes very slow (evolutionary conservation) Closely related organisms have similar rRNAs Comparison of rRNA of different organisms concludes All life shares a common ancestor Three major evolutionary lineage (domains) and supersedes the kingdom as the broadest taxonomic grouping

13 The three domains Arhaea- prokaryotic microbes live in extreme environments, inhabit anaerobic environments Reflect the conditions of early life Archaea the most primitive life form Archaea give rise to two other domains Eubacteria- true bacteria and are prokaryotic microorganisms Eukarya- include all eukaryotic organisms, diverged more recently thus more closely related to archae (protists, fungi, plants and animals)

14 Figure 7.2 (b)

15 Text devoted to animals
Except for Chapter 8 Animal like protists (Amoeba and Paramecium) The inclusion of protozoa is part of a tradition Once considered a phylum (Protozoa) in the animal kingdom

16 Pattern of Organization
Symmetry Asymmetry Radial symmetry Bilateral symmetry

17 Figure 7.7 Asymmetry red encrusting sponge

18 Radial symmetry tube coral pulp
Figure 7.8 Radial symmetry tube coral pulp

19 Part 2

20 Bilateral animals Bilateral symmetry = important evolutionary advancement Important for active, directed movement Anterior, posterior ends One side of body kept up (dorsal) vs. down (ventral) Cephalization and bilateral symmetry evolved together

21 Directed movement evolved with anterior sense organs cephalization
specialization of sense organs in head end of animals

22 Bilateral Symmetry Divided along sagittal plane into two mirror images
sagittal= divides bilateral organisms into right and left halves

23 Anterior= head end Posterior= tail end Dorsal= back side Ventral= belly side

24 Symmetry, fig. 7.9 Median= sagittal

25 Other Patterns of Organization may reflect evolutionary trends
Unicellular (cytoplasmic)- organisms consist of single cells or cellular aggregates, provide functions of locomotion, food acquisition, digestion, water and ion regulation, sensory perception and reproduction in a single cell. Cellular aggregates consist of loose association, cells that exhibit little interdependence, cooperation, or coordination of function Some cells may be specialized for reproduction, nutritive or structural function

26 Diploblastic Organization
Cells are organized into tissues in most animal phyla Body parts are organized into layers derived from two embryonic tissue layers. Ectoderm- Gr. ektos, outside + derm, skin gives rise to the epidermis the outer layer of the body wall Endoderm- Gr. Endo, within, gives rise to the gastrodermis that lines the gut

27 Mesoglea- between the ecto and endo and may or may not contain cells
Derived from ecto and/or endo Cells form middle layer (mesenchyme) Layers are functionally inderdependent, yet cooperate showing tissue level organization i.e. feeding movements of Hydra or swimming movements of a jellyfish

28 Figure 7.10

29 The Triploblastic (treis, three +blaste, sprout)
Animals described in chapters 10-22 Tissues derived from three embryological layers Ectoderm- outer layer Endoderm- lines the gut Mesoderm- meso, middle, Third layer between Ecto and Endo Give rise to supportive cells

30 Figure 7.11

31 Most have an organ system level of organization
Usually bilaterally symmetrical or evolved from bilateral ancestors Organized into several groups based on the presence or absence of body cavity and for those that posses one, the kind of body cavity present. Body cavity- fluid filled space in which the internal organs can be suspended and separated from the body wall

32 Body cavities are advantageous
Provide more room for organ development Provide more surface area for diffusion of gases, nutrients, and waste into and out of organs Provide area for storage Often act as hydrostatic skeletons (supportive yet flexible) Provide a vehicle for eliminating wastes and reproductive products from the body Facilitate increase in body size

33 What does acoelomate mean?
No coelom

34 Acoelomate a, without+ kilos, hollow
Mesoderm relatively solid mass No cavity formed between ecto and endo These cells within mesoderm often called parenchymal cells Parenchymal cells not speciallized for a particular fnc.

35 What’s a coelom? coelom= true body cavity Fluid-filled
lined by mesoderm-derived epithelium Earthworm

36 Acoelomates lack a true body cavity
Solid body no cavity b/w the digestive tract and outer body wall

37 Do these questions now…
Think about aceolomate bilateral animals: To what domain do they belong “ ” kingdom ” ” ” What phyla include these organisms What is bilateral symmetry, and why was it an important evolutionary advantage movie

38 Acoelomate Bilateral Animals
Consist of phyla: Phylum Platyhelminthes Phylum Nemertea Others…

39 Architectural patterns of animals
Architectural patterns of animals. These basic body plans have been variously modivied during evolutoinary descent to fit aimals to a great variety of habitats. Ectoderm is shown in gray, mesoderm in red, and endoderm in yellow

40 Acoelomate Bilateral Animals
Simplest organisms to have bilateral symmetry Triploblastic Lack a coelom Organ-system level of organization Cephalization Elongated, without appendages Reproductive and osmoregulatory systems

41 Acoelomate Bilateral Animals
Simplest organisms to have bilateral symmetry Triploblastic Lack a coelom Organ-system level of organization Cephalization Elongated, without appendages Reproductive and osmoregulatory systems

42 Triploblastic Pseudocoelomate pseudes, false
Body cavity not entirely lined by mesoderm No muscle or connective tissue associated with gut No mesodermal

43 The Triploblastic Coelomate Pattern
Coelom is a body cavity completely surrounded by mesoderm Peritoneum- mesodermal sheet that lines the inner body wall and serosa (outer covering of visceral organs) Having mesodermally derived tissue (muscle, connective tissue) enhances the function of all internal body systems.

44 Figure 7.12

45 Fig 7.3 Evolutionary groups
Figure 7.3 Groups traced to separate ancestors All descendants of a single ancestor Includes some but not all of a members of a lineage Fig 7.3 Evolutionary groups

46 Figure 7.4 Fig 7.4 Vertebrate Phylogenetic tree depicts the degree of divergence from a common ancestor

47 Symplesiomorphies- common characters in a group
Figure 7.5 Fig 7.5 Interpreting Cladograms Five taxa (1-5) and characteristics (A-H) Symplesiomorphies- common characters in a group

48 Figure 7.6

49 EOC Figure

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