Discover the Reasons Why... The Future Is Riding On Metro.

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Presentation on theme: "Discover the Reasons Why... The Future Is Riding On Metro."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discover the Reasons Why... The Future Is Riding On Metro.

2 Are a Federal Employee at NOAA; Utilize Mass Transportation or approved alternate vehicles; Are not named on any Federal workplace parking permit.

3 Up to a $115.00 per month Metrochek based upon actual commuting expenses to and from work which does not include parking.

4 Metrochek can be redeemed for alternate forms of fare media on: Metro Bus Ride On MARC Train VRE Train Commuter Bus Certified Vanpools

5 Private bus companies approved by WMATA such as Eyre or Dillions Bus Service Vanpools approved by WMATA which have a minimum of six passengers excluding the driver and are used 80% of the time for transporting individuals to and from work. Flash pass, Subway and Marc Train

6 Complete NOAA Form 42-28 CLICK HERE TO VIEW FORM

7 On scheduled days of benefit disbursements, DOT will set up operations in the SSMC 3 cafeteria (notice will be provided) for Silver Spring area participants. On scheduled days of benefit disbursements for field participants, DOT will fed-ex subsidy to Point of Contact (POC) for that area. Participating employees will give their full name, last four digits of their Social Security number and present their valid NOAA I.D. for identification. This also applies to field participants when picking up from POC in field. DOT’s operating hours in Silver Spring will be from 9:00am until 2:45pm. You may NOT have another individual pick up your subsidy.

8 You need NOT re-apply. Subsequent distribution timeframes will be announced and posted on the website for metropolitan area participants: aa/LogisticsDiv/logisticspvt.html Metrocheks will be issued for three- month timeframes or prorated depending or timeframe.

9 Alternate Fare Media can be obtained for: Commuter Buses Marc Train VRE Certified Vanpool

10 MARC/VRE TRAINS MARC TRAINS: Using the automated ticket purchase system, endorse your Metrochek, and enclose the balance of your payment. MARC/VRE will send you a monthly pass. VRE: Can be used directly when purchasing ticket.

11 If you’re not using Metro Rail, you can exchange your Metrochek at a variety of locations. The closest is: Montgomery County Commuter Services Office 8401 Colesville Road Silver Spring, MD 20910 Metro Station

12 PRIVATE BUS OR VANPOOLS? Private Bus: Endorse your Metrochek, and pay the balance of your payment to the vendor. Vanpools Endorse your Metrochek and pay the balance of your your payment to your vanpool operator.

13 What if I cannot make any of the distribution timeframes? Answer: You have the option of going to DOT. Fields will have a timeframe in which to pickup from POC before it is sent back to DOT. What happens if I want to apply for the subsidy in the middle of a distribution cycle? Answer: Depending on when submitted you are prorated for that quarter.

14 Contact:Your Line/Staff Office Point of Contact First or you can contact : Sharon DePiso Transportation Manager Facilities Management Division (301) 713-2214 x 192


16 Discover the Reasons Why... The Future Is Riding On Metro.

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