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Pagan Way Of Life (4:17-20) 1. Futile mind (aimless, fruitless) 2. Darkened understanding (Ac.26:16-18) 3. Alienated position (Ep.2:12) 4. Ignorant life.

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Presentation on theme: "Pagan Way Of Life (4:17-20) 1. Futile mind (aimless, fruitless) 2. Darkened understanding (Ac.26:16-18) 3. Alienated position (Ep.2:12) 4. Ignorant life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pagan Way Of Life (4:17-20) 1. Futile mind (aimless, fruitless) 2. Darkened understanding (Ac.26:16-18) 3. Alienated position (Ep.2:12) 4. Ignorant life (willful: because of…) 5. Hardened heart (stubborn; Mk.3:5; Ro.1) 6. Past feeling (calloused; Je.6:15; 1 T.4:2) 7. Enslaved to sin (Ro.1:24, 26, 28) – Lewdness, uncleanness, greediness

2 The “Christ” way of life (4:20-24) 1. Learned Christ (Col.2:6; Jn.6:45; Ro.6:1-2; Tit.2:11-12) 2. Heard, were taught by Him (instruction) 3. Accepted truth in Jesus (new standard) 4. Put off old man (former conduct, old self) 5. Renewed in spirit of mind (ct. 17) 6. Put on new man (new conduct / self) 7. Pursued righteousness & holiness

3 Renewed in spirit of mind (4:23) 1.Memory now focuses on and functions in different subjects / areas 2.Judgment now based on new standard 3.Love changes in its objects & degrees  Our “bent” of mind directs our life  V.24, totally different nature; Col.3:10  1 Co.2:12, the old spirit

4 Putting away (Specifics, 4:31) 1. Bitterness (animosity, opposite of kind) 2. Wrath (infuriation for a time; opposite of tender-hearted) 3. Anger (lasting resentment; ct. 26; opposite of forgiving) 4. Clamor (expression of anger; Ac.23:9) 5. Evil-speaking (reviling, slander) 6. Malice (mean-spirited, vicious)

5 Dead…or Not? (Col.3:1-5)  Raised (1)  You died (3); put to death (5)??  Practice must match state  Spread process of death through members of body  If heart is dead, let organs that formerly supported it die too  Mt.5:29

6 Put on… (Col.3:12, 14-15) Tender mercies (feelings of compassion) Kindness (Ep.2:7; 4:32) Humility (Ep.4:2) Meekness (Ep.4:2) Longsuffering (Ep.4:2, bear w., forgive) Love (binds other virtues, unites; 2:2)

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