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Learning Target: I can integrate additional details into my study of the USA.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Target: I can integrate additional details into my study of the USA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Target: I can integrate additional details into my study of the USA.

2  Monday: USA Quiz ◦ At least one review sheet for each section, Ms. B’s notes, and this PowerPoint (with links to videos) are on the website for your study purposes  May 3 rd : Augsburg Park Library study session (12:30-3:30)  May 9 th : Nokomis Library study session (9:30-11:30) ◦ All who signed up are good to go. See me if you wish to be added or need to drop (room for 3 more)

3 AWE Nixon Era:  Education Act of 1972 & Roe v. Wade (1973)  Some movement forward: Shirley Chisholm + 1 st female Army general  Nixon creates Task Force to recruit women into high-level government positions  Increasing split between New Left & Women’s Movement.

4  Black Panthers/Black Power: ◦ Start under Johnson, grow to prominance under Nixon. ◦ Founded in Oakland, CA ◦ Somewhat more militant in approach to ending racism/injustice (especially focused on ending police brutality). ◦ Provided community services. ◦ Nixon (J. Edgar Hoover) see as critical threat; try to destroy.

5  Kent State Shootings/Massacre (Nixon)  May 4, 1970 protesting continued bombings in SE Asia after official end of Vietnam War (Kent State University, Ohio)  National Guard called in to stop protests/rioting. Fired 67 rounds in 13 seconds on unarmed crowd. ◦ 4 die; 9 wounded  4 million protest across the country afterwards

6  BOQ BOQ  What would the effect be on the public? ◦ In 5 years, 1 president, 2 activists, and 1 presidential candidate were all killed.

7  Usual rules ◦ 3-5/team (equal sized teams) ◦ All who get the answer right get points; all who get it wrong (including not answering) lose points ◦ You MAY use your materials, but there will be a limited time to answer ◦ Top 3 teams get 5, 3, & 1 point extra credit per member

8 Directions: At your table, follow the steps below using your assigned quote (p. 114) for analysis.  Identify the meaning of the quote. What is it literally saying?  Discuss the idea as a group. Decide whether the majority of you agree or disagree with the quote.  Identify at least 1 example from the USA case study & at least 1 contemporary example that supports or negates his quote.  Create a visual image that illustrates the quote and examples – it will be posted in class so make it good

9  What does Ms. B mean by the “Oppression Olympics”? Do you agree or disagree with the concept behind the term?

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