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Custom Reports Screen Shots. Indiana Progress Report Indiana needed more detailed report information, and the ability to print each program progress report.

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Presentation on theme: "Custom Reports Screen Shots. Indiana Progress Report Indiana needed more detailed report information, and the ability to print each program progress report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Custom Reports Screen Shots

2 Indiana Progress Report Indiana needed more detailed report information, and the ability to print each program progress report out as a “complete” PDF document. This 3-part form includes program progress, performance measure, and GPR reports. Additional Staff reports roll up aggregate information from specific fields. Programming and design: 30 hours. Part I - Program Progress

3 Indiana Progress Report Part II- GPR Information

4 Indiana Progress Report Part III- Performance Measures

5 University of Maryland Monthly Report Legacy Corps MD needed a custom form to capture specific Performance measure and program progress data. Custom Programming and Design, including aggregate reports: 25 hours

6 University of Maryland Monthly Report


8 Georgia Service and Volunteer Reports Program Director Reporting Form Staff Reports The Georgia Commission needed to collect specific, detailed information about volunteers, as well as aggregate reports. Custom Programming and design: 15 hours

9 Virginia Monthly Report The Virginia Commission needed this narrative report added. Custom programming and design: 5 hours

10 Client Assessment Module Member Form Program Director/Staff Report The CTEP AmeriCorps program in MN has members track # of beneficiaries—and their progress--- at their service sites. Members login, enroll their clients (or entire classes), and periodically update client/student progress aligned with two key CTEP performance measures. The results are aggregated for either Commission Staff and/or Program Directors. Since this Corps focuses on technology literacy, their evaluation team worked with PDs to design this tool, as there are few instruments available to gauge “technology literacy”. This module required 25 hours of custom programming and design.

11 Minnesota Reading Corps Tutor Logs Member Reports (See next slide for Progress Reports details) Members in the MN Reading Corps (MRC) track student progress using Tutor Logs. The system can import student rosters from another reporting system, or member can enter student names and progress. There are several forms that collect literacy data for each student tutored, and hours/minutes tutored per week, etc. This module required 40-50 hours of custom database development because the data is getting pulled in from another system, and the reports are quite complex.

12 Minnesota Reading Corps Tutor Logs Member Reports: Progress Report Details

13 Minnesota Reading Corps Tutor Logs Program Director or Staff Reports State Commission and Program Directors can both access the aggregate student progress and enrollment reports. The custom reports are used by an outside evaluator, who downloads this data and combines it with data gathered in another tutoring reporting system the schools use…

14 Custom Financial Reports Michigan added a cash expenditures form. The form pulls data from the PERs and has auto- calculation built in. Programming: 15 hours DC Commission needed a 3-Part PER to accommodate programs still operating under the 07-08 PY. Programming: 10 hours

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