Leadership styles Year 13. Objectives To understand the different types of leadership To understand how this can affect motivation and management of employees.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership styles Year 13. Objectives To understand the different types of leadership To understand how this can affect motivation and management of employees."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership styles Year 13

2 Objectives To understand the different types of leadership To understand how this can affect motivation and management of employees

3 Leadership styles Management styles Autocratic Proactive Laissez faire Democratic Paternalistic Reactive

4 Autocratic Set objectives alne and allocate tasks Expects workers to do exactly what they say No consultation in decision making

5 Autocratic… Lead to poor motivation Workers cannot put their views forward Workers not likely to feel involved in the running of the business (no ownership)

6 Continued… Staff are less likely to want to help out to meet deadlines or raise standard of service Some organisations have to be autocratic  Police, Army as decisions need to be made quickly

7 Paternalistic Benign style of autocratic…  Also caters for the workers social and physical needs Manager tries to treat everyone as an individual (Inconsistent treatment) Workers are more likely to feel looked after Example: Fast food industry

8 Democratic Workers are included in the decision making process Taking time to talk to staff etc can take time away from production Decisions can take longer as all aspects of hierarchy are consulted All democracy has winners and losers Motivating as workers feel part of the business A sense of ownership

9 Laissez-faire Minimum input giving the staff a free reign ‘Hands off approach’ Workforce need to be skilled otherwise…  Poor coordination/low discipline Used in marketing as allows for creativity

10 Laissez-faire Questions that need to be considered to use this approach;  Can the workers be relied upon unsupervised?  Do they have the skills and the resources to work unsupervised?  Does the work lend itself to being done in a free atmosphere?  Do we need creativity to flourish?

11 Proactive and reactive Proactive: Anticipates issues and plans ahead of them (short and long term) Reactive: Will wait until problems manifest themselves and act accordingly Which is best?

12 In your coursework… Discuss the different types in relation to their effectiveness and usage for your chosen organisations…

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