 The patient has better access to their healthcare information allowing decisions based on better knowledge.  Tools available to assist the patient.

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Presentation on theme: " The patient has better access to their healthcare information allowing decisions based on better knowledge.  Tools available to assist the patient."— Presentation transcript:


2  The patient has better access to their healthcare information allowing decisions based on better knowledge.  Tools available to assist the patient in making healthier choices and communicating better with their provider.  Perceived quality of care and patient satisfaction are improved.

3  The patient is now an interactive part of the healthcare team, actively involved in decisions regarding his/her own healthcare plan.  Patient involvement up front leads to a safer healing environment.

4  Multiple caregivers having access to the patient’s information simultaneously.  Patient information more readily available between healthcare entities to enhance collaboration of care.  Ability to enhance patient safety by capturing data and providing tools such as conflict checking.  Quality of care increases significantly.

5  Provider workflow supported – having information access leads to quicker better informed decisions.  Coordination of care supports a model of best-practice healthcare.

6  Ease of access to personal health information (by patient or caregiver).  Ease of transport (patient can carry an electronic version of relevant parts of his/her medical record.  Enhanced communication between the patient and their healthcare providers.

7  Access to your personal health information from anywhere.  Ability to update your health record as things change in your life.  Active patient review of their health information will result in a more accurate health picture.

8  Elimination (or at least minimization) of paper as the source of the record.  Access to a more complete patient history can aid in the diagnosis and treatment.  Technology advancements streamlining information gathering, storage, system integration and electronic transfer.

9  Walls and borders of care removed – electronic access is virtual.  Real-time patient information.  Enhanced billing and income capturing providing a more stable cash flow.

10  Data capture – what do we do with it? › Risk factor detection › Best practice treatments › Identification of safety issues › Financial modeling › Program development, modification, or discontinue


12  Sole proprietorship outpatient clinic – not as common today – why?  Group practice – several physicians in the same building – advantages?  Corporate group practice model – physicians are employees – advantages? Disadvantages?  Individual practice association – physicians remain independent – advantages?

13  Federal clinics – examples?  Urgent/immediate care clinics – their function?  Multispecialty clinics – structure?  Point of service arrangements – capitation – advantages/disadvantages?

14  Community hospitals  Critical access hospitals  Long-term hospitals  Psychiatric hospitals  Specialty hospitals  Private hospital  Multi-hospital systems

15  Rehabilitation centers  School-based health centers  Day hospitals

16  “Contrary to the popular belief that there is no national healthcare in the U.S., the federal government spends billions of dollars providing ‘free’ healthcare to specific populations.”

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