Crucial Conversations Conducting Learner-Focused Conversations with Teachers Session 2: Reflect & Plan Facilitated by:

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1 Crucial Conversations Conducting Learner-Focused Conversations with Teachers Session 2: Reflect & Plan Facilitated by:

2 Participants will …  Analyze the previous crucial conversation  Plan the next CHALLENGING crucial conversation 2 Today’s Agenda

3 Reviewing the Past Conversation Guiding Questions  How effective was the crucial conversation?  How effectively did I follow my plan?  How can I improve my next crucial conversation?

4 My conversation was like a: Cactus Eagle Maze because ___________________. 4 How Did It Go???

5 On Your Own Examine your notes from our last session in which you planned a crucial conversation “X” areas where you did not follow your notes or skipped or detoured Check areas that did not go well Lack of clarity, bad reaction, etc Star areas that went WELL 5 Initial Crucial Conversation

6 On Your Own: Make notes regarding each section of the ORID Analysis Try to answer each question Be prepared to discuss the item in bold in each section 6 Initial Crucial Conversation

7 In pairs: Discuss the items in bold in each section Share one section at a time 7 Initial Crucial Conversation

8 Let’s share as a group… What was your “Ah-Ha” based on today’s debriefing? What did you hear from a colleague that you want to share with the group? 8 Initial Crucial Conversation

9 Planning the Next Conversation Guiding Question  With which person do I most need to facilitate a crucial conversation?  What do I need to consider before I engage in the conversation?  How do motivation & capacity play into the issue and solution?

10 The Next Conversation Select another teacher Identify an issue that represents a GAP between expectations and teacher performance related to classroom instruction Let’s walk through planning together You will work on your own And then pair share

11 Choose What and If Master My Stories Describe the Gap Make it Make Motivating It Easy Agree On a Plan Follow Up New Problems Revisit the Original Problems Make It Safe Fear? Work on Me First Confront With Safety Move To Action POP Stay Focused & Flexible AFTER DURING BEFORE

12 Work on Me First Using the graphic organizer: Deciding What to Confront Think C. P. R. Consider Intent & Consequences Identify what & what not Deciding IF to Confront Is this worthwhile …WHY? Master My Story Why would a reasonable person… Is it Motivation or Capacity (6)

13 Work on Me First Sharing Planning Let’s talk about the planning so far: In pairs...take turns explaining… Name, issue, & C.P.R. Is it motivation & capacity …evidence? Provide feedback to one another … Most clear description you heard? What is missing? Other suggestions?

14 Confront with Safety  Describe the Gap  Specific statement of expectation  Specific examples of performance  Contrasting statement(s)  Give TIME for processing  Find common ground  Move to an agreed-upon solution  POP the question

15 Confront with Safety Sharing Potential Script Let’s talk about the conversation: In pairs...take turns explaining… GAP Anticipated common ground What’s the POP question Motivation or Capacity Provide feedback to one another … Most clear description you heard? What is missing? Other suggestions?

16 Move to Action Make a Plan: Who does What by When Establish follow-up dates & times

17 Work on Me First Sharing Planning Let’s talk about the planning so far: In pairs...take turns explaining… Who, What, & By when Expected outcome / result Provide feedback to one another … Most clear description you heard? Any other WHO’s? Other suggestions?

18 Clarifying In pairs, discuss the following…  What is the result that you expect to report after the crucial conversation at our next meeting? – Observable – Measureable – Reasonable

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