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Conics Conics Review. Graph It! Write the Equation?

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Presentation on theme: "Conics Conics Review. Graph It! Write the Equation?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conics Conics Review

2 Graph It!




6 Write the Equation?

7 What is the Equation?

8 Put into form: Center? Radius?

9 Determine the Equation Determine the equation of a parabola with vertex (-2, 4) and going through the point (-1, 7). Determine the equation of a parabola with vertex (3, -1) and going through the point (5, -5).

10 Write the Equation Given a circle with – radius of 25 and – center of (-3,7) Given a circle with – radius of 7 and – center of (4, -9)

11 Graph It!

12 Put into form: Center? Radius?

13 Graph It!

14 Determine the Equation Determine the equation of a parabola with vertex (2, 5) and going through the point (0, 7). Determine the equation of a parabola with vertex (-4, -3) and going through the point (-3, -2).

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