. 11.We visit the Garden Gnome Emporium 12.We get advice from A Poodle Kaitlyn Gordon Tanner O'Neal Francisco Alderetae.

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2 . 11.We visit the Garden Gnome Emporium 12.We get advice from A Poodle Kaitlyn Gordon Tanner O'Neal Francisco Alderetae

3  Aunty M (Medusa) wants them to be in a Picture.  She gives Percy food and it makes him sleepy so he doesn’t know what is going on a he is to tired to think about it.  She told them that she was going to use it to make a new stone sculpture. What she really meant was she is going to take off her head-dress and turn them to stone.  Grover and Annabeth tell Percy to cut of her head and he did and then he sent it to the Gods.

4  Percy and Grover talk about Pan, the god of the wild places and how he has been lost for 2,000 years.  Percy has a dream about the scary pit and the threatening voice within it.  Grover finds a poodle named Gladiola and talks to it.  Gladiola is lost, and there is a $200 dollar reward for her return. They return Gladiola and get the money to continue their quest.

5  Chapter11  Internal conflict-Percy figures out that Aunty M is really Medusa.  External conflict- Annabeth And Percy keep Arguing.  Chapter 12  Internal Conflict-Grover wishes he could find Pan.  External Conflict- They couldn’t fin Pan to help them. Grover wishes he could find Pan.

6  Chapter 11  They are walking along the riverbank in New Jersey. They are by the woods. They see a shop and smell the good food. They are inside of the shop. In Aunty M’s Statue garden.  Chapter 12  They are in the woods at night.

7  Chapter 11  Protagonist- Annabeth, Grover, and Percy  Antagonist- Aunty M(Medusa)  Chapter 12  Grover, Percy, and Annabeth  Antagonist- NONE A protagonist is a good person. A antagonist is a bad person.

8  Chapter 11  The furies-They had a war with them in chapter 10 but were mentioned with a lot in chapter 11. Medusa-Aunty M was really Medusa and all of her stone creatures were real people she had turned to stone.

9  Minotaur-it is a savage monster with a bull’s head and a man’s body. In the story it was attacking a women.  They were still thinking about the Attack on Medusa Persius Holding Medusa’s head.

10  Medusa-Her hair is made of snakes and she is really ugly because one night she met secretly with Poseidon. Athena was outraged so she cast a spell on her. There are many stories about who killed her but Persius was known to slice off her head and out of her blood came a warrior and a Pegasus.  Minotaur-A minotaur is a bull slash man. It is relatively strong and is very hairy. They are known to be violent but sometimes fight alongside man.

11  Who is the Protagonist in Chapter 12?  Where are Percy,Grover, and Annabeth when they met Medusa?  What does Aunty M try to do to Percy, Grover, and Annabeth?  What does Percy do to Medusa in chapter 11?  What is the External conflict in chapter 12?

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