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(j) Spelled with ge, gi, and gy (s) Spelled with ce and ci.

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Presentation on theme: "(j) Spelled with ge, gi, and gy (s) Spelled with ce and ci."— Presentation transcript:

1 (j) Spelled with ge, gi, and gy (s) Spelled with ce and ci

2  When you hear a (s) sound before any sound made by the letters e, i, or y, use the letter c to make the (s) sound.  (s) > e, i, y = letter c  Examples:  city, cell, nice, cycle, place

3 HARD CSOFT C  (k) > a, o, u, or any consonant = letter C  Cap  Cope  Cup  (s) > e, i, or y = letter C  ice  cell  cycle

4 When you hear the (j) sound before any sound made by the letters e, i, or y – spell (j) with letter g. (j) > e, i, or y = g Examples: gem, gym, giant, strange, danger

5 (J) SPELLED WITH J(J) SPELLED WITH GE, GI (j) > a, o, u =letter j jam jump joke jot (j) > e, i, y = letter g gem gym giant age

6 ageplace gemgrace gymcity giantcell strangenice dangercircle germdecide largecivil giraffepencil

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