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Introduction to Web Frontend Development with JavaScript.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Web Frontend Development with JavaScript."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Web Frontend Development with JavaScript

2 Internet Network of Computer Networks

3 World Wide Web The part of the Internet that communicates http and (often) html.

4 HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol Client/Server Network Protocol Requests are sent with Verbs to Resources Get, Post, Put, Delete, Patch, Trace, Options Responses are returned by the server with a status code 200 OK, 404 Not Found, 301 Permanent Redirect

5 Web Development is hard. You must know at least 3 (often 4) programming languages: JavaScript the state and behavior of then frontend CSS how things look HTML structure of the UI/Document Server Programming Stateful storage and interaction with other servers

6 But you can make great things!

7 The Planetarium Beautiful Web Introduction to the solar system BananBread Web FPS shoorter CSS Tricks Web Animation (using data from 3d body tracking)

8 Not to mention all this stuff:

9 Let’s start…

10 Firefox Scratchpad Shift+F4

11 alert() Modal window

12 prompt() Rarely used. Modal window.

13 console.log() Shows in console

14 Let’s take a look at some syntax Syntax Reference

15 var var aNumber = 1, aString = "a string", anArray = [1, 2, "string"], anObject = {a: 1; b: "string", "c": 4};

16 If Statement if ( /* something truthy */ ) { //code to execute } else { // code to execute }

17 Switch Statement switch (variable) { case value1: //statements break; case value2: //more statements default: //more statements break; }

18 for loop for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { //statements }

19 for … in for (key in object) { //statements }

20 while loop while (condition) { statement; }

21 do … while do { statement; } while (condition);

22 Weak Dynamic Typing

23 Truthy When a value will be “true enough” for an if (or while) condition.

24 Truthy vs true var obj = {}; console.log("an empty object is not equal to true: " + (obj == true)); if (obj) { console.log("but it’s truthy"); }

25 Two Concepts 1.A value that is not equal to true may still be truthy. 2.A value that is equal to true is truthy.

26 Truthiness true 1 [1, 2] {a: 1} "something"

27 Falsiness false 0 "" NaN undefined null

28 Two comparison Operators == (equal) vs. === (strictly equal)

29 == does type coercion It checks whether the values can be coerced into the same type and then if their values become equal.

30 === checks type and value ALWAYS use ===

31 == vs === 1 == 1 true 1 == "1" true 1 == true true 0 == false true 1 === 1 true 1 === "1" false 1 === true false 0 === false false

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