Faith’s Student-Led Conference Welcome Mom and Dad!

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2 Faith’s Student-Led Conference Welcome Mom and Dad!

3 In Spanish I learned the words ………cero’zero’uno’one’dos’tw o’tres’three’cuatro’four’cinco’ five’seis’six’siete’sevan’ocho ‘eight‘nueve’nine’dies’ten’once elevan’doce’twevel’trece‘thirt een’Catorce’fourteen’quince’si xteen.

4 In Language Arts I learned a lot about periods they mean when to stop like this. My mom wants me now. there's a period  I also learned about, plural that means when I have sing you have sings and that’s singular when you have one and plural means many  My Young Author story is about a girl and her family that have a space ship crash in to their front yard. It gets weird.

5 My Favorite Stories from Reading Class Dinosaur Bob One of my favorite stories that I read this year was Dinosaur Bob because Dinosaur Bob was adventures. And lots more you love it to Another story I enjoyed was Lost And Found because they have a great mystery in it A girl lost her hat she had to go to Lost And Found.Two boys go too, and when they get there they fall in too a mystery. They are trying to find the hat room and when they get there they go trough so many hats. My Writing Sample

6 In Reading  As of April 15 th, I have 27AR points.  My comprehension is 96 %.  My AR goal for the year is to reach 40 points.  In reading I have improved in reading bigger books  My reading level up too 6 th grade so I'm very proud of myself because its up too that  The best story or book I have read this year is Diary of a wimpy kid because its funny an gives me lots of laughs and the movie looks very funny too The story or book I liked the least this year is Pokémon because its kind of dumb



9 In Social Studies  wreck Edmund Fitzgerald it was a horrible shipwreck. It killed twenty passengers. One time Pontiac told a lot of people to attack One of the first people in Michigan settled in Sault Ste Marie We studied all about Indians and all about other things like Sault Ste. Marie.


11 In Science  One time this project we did is when we had a thing where you have a pulse of elasticity and it picks up washers  We studied lots about insects like there are four changes of a insect called a meal worm egg,larva,pupa,bettle.


13 In Mathematics I learned About multination And all about math cause its math and math is Fun so if you put 10 x 10 = 100 because if you look at it you will see there is two zeros and there are two zeros in 10x10=100 its easy two do 10x10= 100. We studied lots like 1x1=1,2x2=4,3x3=9,4x4=16,5x5=25,6x6=36,7x7=49,8x 8=64,9x9=81,10x10=100,11x11=121, 12x12=144, and so on.


15 In Technology Flip Video


17 Strengths  One of my strengths is singing I am proud of this because I am good at because I have a good voice and my mom is very proud of me and one day I'm goanna be a country star Another of my strengths is art I have the mind of peace and I love plant earth I just want too paint it when I'm going on a car ride I look at the trees and think PAINT! NEED! PAINT! I am proud of this because I’m happy with both I am good at singing in music I also am good at recorder because I alredy got my black blet.

18 My Goals… In the AR program I would like to have 40 or more points by the end of the year. I need to do better work on my desk an I need to always have a cleaner desk. By the end of the year I want to have lots of points and than I would be filled with joy.

19 April 22, 2010, Dear Mom and Dad Thank you for coming to my conference and thank you for saying good job Love, Faith

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