Oxford Area School. Christchurch Oxford Where is Oxford Area School?

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Presentation on theme: "Oxford Area School. Christchurch Oxford Where is Oxford Area School?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oxford Area School

2 Christchurch Oxford Where is Oxford Area School?

3 What do we value?

4 10 Tips Tricks Hindsight WARNING: The tips and tricks you are about to see may change student behaviour. Please try them at home! DISCLAIMER: Most of our ideas are kindly stolen, borrowed, modified from other schools - thanks!

5 Tip #1 Tell staff and parents not expect any changes in the first year.

6 Tip #2

7 Trick #1 Pick people with multiple stakeholder hats Parent Teache r BoT Rep

8 Trick #2 Co-coaching worked for us

9 Tip #3 Buying into the values

10 Trick #1 The Ideal student The Ideal Teacher

11 Trick #2 Student voice to select our values

12 Trick #3 Parent voice to select our values

13 Trick #4 Student creations will define the meaning of the values


15 Kaka House video challenge

16 Hindsigh t What about Support Staff? How could we have got more parent input?

17 Tip #4 Team effort to teaching the expectations

18 Trick #1 Teach a lesson with staff as if they were students.


20 Trick #2

21 Lesson banks created by all staff not just SW PB4L team Trick #3

22 Hindsigh t Repeat this process more regularly Students with cameras to capture staff modelling behaviours.

23 Tip #5 High expectations for everyone

24 Trick #1 Mana Week

25 Create clear guidelines/resourc es for anything new Trick #2

26 Hindsigh t We could have encouraged students to recognise teachers demonstrating our values during Mana Week

27 Tip #6 Data doesn’t lie Use it to make decisions

28 Trick #1 Share and celebrate often At staff briefings In newsletters School Facebook Page School Website On staff notice board Assemblies


30 Trick #2 Draw comparisons

31 Compariso ns

32 Don’t forget the positive data Gold Cards

33 Trick #3 Celebrate big and small successes Group rewards Staff get-together

34 Trick #4 Collect data before you implement a new idea and again afterwards.

35 Paint rubbish bins House colours - set a challenge

36 Hindsigh t If we do a survey, be sure to share the results.

37 Tip #7 Look and Listen

38 Trick #1 Don’t forget to have fun! Happy video here

39 Trick #2 And let our colleagues know we appreciate their work... fluffy journal

40 Tip #8 Develop systems that work for you

41 Trick #1 There are many ways to skin a cat. Search for alternatives.

42 John kotters plan photo here

43 Tip #9 Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water

44 Trick #1 Look at what you already have. Adapt, modify, improve.

45 photos of Gold cards here and referrals old and new BEFO RE AFTE R


47 Tip #10 Community/Whana u engagement

48 Trick #1 Get the values into homes - newsletters, magnets etc


50 Trick #2 Board out the front of school, in the hall, Supermarket


52 Trick #3 Letter’s home


54 Tip #11 Don’t reinvent the wheel!

55 Trick #1 Take every good idea from this conference that you know could work for your school… then tweak it to make it yours.

56 Trick #2 Feel free to contact us for more information, to access this slide show, to get any resources we have shown you today or just for a chat to sound out ideas. mike@oxford.school.nz jacqui@oxford.school.nz

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