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Continuing Stoichiometry…. The idea.  In every chemical reaction, there is one reactant that will be run out (called the limiting reactant).  This will.

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Presentation on theme: "Continuing Stoichiometry…. The idea.  In every chemical reaction, there is one reactant that will be run out (called the limiting reactant).  This will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuing Stoichiometry…

2 The idea.  In every chemical reaction, there is one reactant that will be run out (called the limiting reactant).  This will limit the amount of product that can form.  The reaction will stop at that point.  There are then also excess reactants.

3 Sample Problem  S 8 + 4 Cl 2  4 S 2 Cl 2 If you have 200.0 g S 8 and 100.0 g Cl 2, what is the limiting reactant?

4 Step 1  First, find the moles of each reactant.  Amount of each reactant will be given  Usually it will be in grams. This is a gram to mole conversion.

5 The Answers 200.0 g S 8 1 mole S 8 x =.78 mol S 8 1 256 g S 8 100.0 g Cl 2 1 mole Cl 2 x = 1.41 mol Cl 2 1 71 g Cl 2

6 If moles are Given…  If moles are given, problem starts here…

7 Step 2: Compare Mole Ratios  A) What is the mole to mole ratio from the balanced chemical equation?  S 8 + 4 Cl 2  4 S 2 Cl 2 Moles S 8 = 1 Moles Cl 2 = 4 Need 4 Cl 2 for each S 8 !

8 Step 2 cont’d  B) What is the mole to mole ratio calculated from the starting conditions? Moles S 8 =.78 mol S 8 Moles Cl 2 = 1.41 mol Cl 2 1.41 mol Cl 2 = 1.81 mol Cl 2 for 1 mol S 8.78 mol S 8

9 Is this enough?  NO!  Therefore, Cl 2 is the limiting reactant Now practice some LR calculations!

10 Calculating the Amount of Product Formed  Complete a mole to gram calculation using the Limiting Reactant  In our example:  LR: Cl 2 = 1.41 moles Try it!

11 The Answer  S 8 + 4 Cl 2  4 S 2 Cl 2 1.41 mol Cl 2 4 mol S 2 Cl 2 135 g S 2 Cl 2 x x 1 4 mol Cl 2 1 mol S 2 Cl 2 = 190.35 g S 2 Cl 2

12 Analyzing the Excess Reactant  You care about two things:  How much of the excess reactant reacted  How much of the excess reactant remains

13 Excess that Reacted  Complete a mole to gram calculation using the limited and excess reactants  In our example:  Limiting Reactant: Cl2 = 1.41 mol  Excess Reactant: S 8

14 The Calculation  S 8 + 4 Cl 2  4 S 2 Cl 2 1.41 mol Cl 2 1 mol S 8 256 g S 8 x x 1 4 mol Cl 2 1 mol S 8 = 90.24 g S 8

15 Excess Remaining  Subtract amount that reacted from the amount that you started with  In example:  Amount Reacted = 90.24 g S 8  Amount Starting With = 200.0 g S 8

16 The Answer 200.0 g - 90.24 g = 109.76 g S 8 in excess

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