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Tacit Knowledge

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1 Tacit Knowledge

2 Activity theory - Learning and tacit knowledge 1 Activity theory has an interesting approach to the difficult problems of learning and, in particular, tacit knowledge

3 Activity theory - Learning and tacit knowledge 1 Internalisation has subsequently become a key term of the theory of tacit knowledge and has been defined as a process of embodying explicit knowledge into tacit knowledge

4 Tacit knowledge 1 Tacit Knowledge, Trust and the Q of Sapphire Social Studies of Science' pp

5 Tacit knowledge 1 While tacit knowledge appears to be simple, it has far reaching consequences and is not widely understood.

6 Tacit knowledge - Definition 1 According to him, not only is the knowledge that cannot be adequately articulated by verbal means, but also all knowledge is rooted in tacit knowledge in the strong sense of that term.

7 Tacit knowledge - Definition 1 Tacit knowledge, practical intelligence, general mental ability, and job knowledge

8 Tacit knowledge - Definition 1 Some examples of daily activities and tacit knowledge are: riding a bike, playing the piano, driving a car, and hitting a nail with a hammer.Engel, P. J. H. (2008). Tacit knowledge and Visual Expertise in Medical Diagnostic Reasoning: Implications for medical education. Medical Teacher, 30, e184–e188. DOI: 10.1080/01421590802144260.

9 Tacit knowledge - Definition 1 Tacit knowledge is not easily shared. Although it is that which is used by all people, it is not necessarily able to be easily articulated. It consists of beliefs, ideals, values, schemata and mental models which are deeply ingrained in us and which we often take for granted. While difficult to articulate, this cognitive dimension of tacit knowledge shapes the way we perceive the world.

10 Tacit knowledge - Definition 1 In the field of knowledge management, the concept of tacit knowledge refers to a knowledge possessed only by an individual and difficult to communicate to others via words and symbols. Therefore, an individual can acquire tacit knowledge without language. Apprentices, for example, work with their mentors and learn craftsmanship not through language but by observation, imitation, and practice.

11 Tacit knowledge - Definition 1 The key to acquiring tacit knowledge is experience. Without some form of shared experience, it is extremely difficult for people to share each other's thinking processesLam, A. (2000). Tacit Knowledge, Organizational Learning and Societal Institutions: An Integrated Framework. Organization Studies 21(3), 487–513.

12 Tacit knowledge - Definition 1 Tacit knowledge has been described as “know-how” – as opposed to “know-what” (facts), “know-why” (science), or “know- who” (networking)

13 Tacit knowledge - Definition 1 Tacit knowledge vs. Explicit knowledge:Lam, A. (2000). Tacit Knowledge, Organizational Learning and Societal Institutions: An Integrated Framework. Organization Studies 21(3), 487–51.

14 Tacit knowledge - Definition 1 Although it is possible to distinguish conceptually between explicit and tacit knowledge, they are not separate and discrete in practice. The interaction between these two modes of knowing is vital for the creation of new knowledge.Giulio Angioni|Angioni, G., Fare, dire, sentire: l'identico e il diverso nelle culture, Il Maestrale, 2011, 26–99

15 Tacit knowledge - Differences with explicit knowledge 1 Tacit knowledge can be distinguished from explicit knowledge Polanyi, M, (1958) Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post- Critical Philosophy. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-67288-3in three major areas:

16 Tacit knowledge - Differences with explicit knowledge 1 * 'Codifiability and mechanism of transferring knowledge:' while explicit knowledge can be codified, and easily transferred without the knowing subject, tacit knowledge is intuitive and unarticulated knowledge that cannot be communicated, understood or used without the ‘knowing subject’. Unlike the transfer of explicit knowledge, the transfer of tacit knowledge requires close interaction and the buildup of shared understanding and trust among them.

17 Tacit knowledge - Differences with explicit knowledge 1 * 'Main methods for the acquisition and accumulation: 'Explicit knowledge can be generated through logical deduction and acquired through practical experience in the relevant context. In contrast, tacit knowledge can only be acquired through practical experience in the relevant context.

18 Tacit knowledge - Differences with explicit knowledge 1 * 'Potential of aggregation and modes of appropriation: 'Explicit knowledge can be aggregated at a single location, stored in objective forms and appropriated without the participation of the knowing subject. Tacit knowledge in contrast, is personal contextual. It is distributive, and cannot easily be aggregated. The realization of its full potential requires the close involvement and cooperation of the knowing subject.

19 Tacit knowledge - Differences with explicit knowledge 1 The process of transforming tacit knowledge into explicit or specifiable knowledge is known as codification, articulation, or specification

20 Tacit knowledge - Transmission models for tacit knowledge 1 The technical remedy is to attempt to substitute brute-force methods capitalizing on the computing power of a system, such as those that enable a supercomputer programmed to play chess against a grandmaster whose tacit knowledge of the game is broad and deep.

21 Tacit knowledge - Transmission models for tacit knowledge 1 In that model tacit knowledge is presented variously as uncodifiable (tacit aspects of knowledge are those that cannot be codified) and codifiable (transforming tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge is known as codification)

22 Tacit knowledge - Examples 1 * One of the most convincing examples of tacit knowledge is facial recognition. ‘‘We know a person’s face, and can recognize it among a thousand, indeed a million. Yet we usually cannot tell how we recognize a face we know, so most of this cannot be put into words.’’ When you see a face you are not conscious about your knowledge of the individual features (eye, nose, mouth), but you see and recognize the face as a whole

23 Tacit knowledge - Examples 1 * Another example of tacit knowledge is the notion of language itself – it is not possible to learn a language just by being taught the rules of grammar – a native speaker picks it up at a young age almost entirely unaware of the formal grammar which they may be taught later

24 Tacit knowledge - Examples 1 Collins argues that laboratory visits enhance the possibility for the transfer of tacit knowledge.

25 Tacit knowledge - Examples 1 To learn this tacit knowledge, a member of the software development team, Ikuko Tanaka, decided to volunteer herself as an apprentice to the head baker of the Osaka International Hotel, who was reputed to produce the area’s best bread

26 Tacit knowledge - Knowledge management 1 Knowledge management can be considered the dynamic process of creating new knowledge, identifying sources of this new knowledge and the elicitation and distribution of this knowledge. The identification of tacit knowledge sources and the creation of knowledge through tacit to tacit knowledge sharing and tacit to explicit knowledge sharing are fundamental to this process.

27 Tacit knowledge - Knowledge management 1 According to Kamran Parsaye|Parsaye, there are three major approaches to the capture of tacit knowledge from groups and individuals. They are:

28 Tacit knowledge - Knowledge management 1 Interviewing experts can be done in the form of structured interviewing or by recording organizational Narrative|stories. Structured interviewing of experts in a particular subject is the most commonly used technique to capture pertinent, tacit knowledge. An example of a structured interview would be an exit interview.

29 Tacit knowledge - Knowledge management 1 Some other techniques for capturing tacit knowledge are:

30 Tacit knowledge - Knowledge management 1 All of these approaches should be recorded in order to transfer the tacit knowledge into reusable explicit knowledge.

31 Tacit knowledge - Knowledge management 1 Professor Ikujiro Nonaka has proposed the The SECI Model|SECI (Socialization, Externalization, Combination, Internalization) model, one of the most widely cited theories in knowledge management, to present the spiraling knowledge processes of interaction between explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge.

32 Tacit knowledge - Knowledge management 1 * The IRG Solution - hierarchical incompetence and how to overcome it argued that tacit knowledge was essentially a property of social networks and that much tacit knowledge was held in, and communicated by this informal lateral communication between network members.

33 Organizational Memory System - The difference between explicit and tacit knowledge 1 In business terms, tacit knowledge is a passive misnomer for active sharing of knowledge to make an organization more effective.

34 Organizational Memory System - The difference between explicit and tacit knowledge 1 Both are designed to extract tacit knowledge in an easily accessible format that also generates the lessons of history

35 Knowledge sharing - Tacit Knowledge Sharing 1 Tacit knowledge sharing occurs through different types of socialization. Although tacit knowledge is difficult to identify and codify, relevant factors that influence tacit knowledge sharing include:

36 For More Information, Visit: m/the-tacit-knowledge- toolkit.html m/the-tacit-knowledge- toolkit.html The Art of Service

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