May 9 2006Donatella Lucchesi 1 CDF Status of Computing Donatella Lucchesi INFN and University of Padova.

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Presentation on theme: "May 9 2006Donatella Lucchesi 1 CDF Status of Computing Donatella Lucchesi INFN and University of Padova."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 9 2006Donatella Lucchesi 1 CDF Status of Computing Donatella Lucchesi INFN and University of Padova

2 Donatella Lucchesi2 May 9 2006 Introduction CDF has to reconstruct and to analyze the largest data samples ! How does CDF cope with the increasing data and dedicated resource and manpower reduction?

3 Donatella Lucchesi3 May 9 2006 CDF Code and Data Production Status Reconstruction code: stable and well performing. Plan for final production release in 2006 6 weeks! want to reach 4 Production farm is just an other CAF, it can be used for production ntuples for the whole collaboration

4 Donatella Lucchesi4 May 9 2006 CDF User Resources not enough There is always something in some queue  more resources needed!

5 Donatella Lucchesi5 May 9 2006 How the CDF Resources are used Fermilab mostly analysis oriented but also some Monte Carlo Offsite used for Monte Carlo

6 Donatella Lucchesi6 May 9 2006 CNAF is special case Some data are there and… …gives ~50% of offsite resource

7 Donatella Lucchesi7 May 9 2006 CDF usage of CNAF Resources Some data analysis has been done but largely used for Monte Carlo Reminder: CNAF is a GlideCAF, opportunistic use of all resources (Other GlideCAF: Lyon, San Diego, MIT and FermiGrid) S. Sarkar & I. Sfiligoi developed

8 Donatella Lucchesi8 May 9 2006 CDF resources usage respect to CNAF Total cpu time since April 2005 Total cpu time April 2006

9 Donatella Lucchesi9 May 9 2006 CDF Resources Needs Proportional Model: scale FY2005 resources FY200x demand = (FY2005 resources)x(FY200x/FY2005)data vol. Input parameters: Results:

10 Donatella Lucchesi10 May 9 2006 CDF Resources Requests Hypothesis

11 Donatella Lucchesi11 May 9 2006 CDF Resources Requests (IFC) 12 Lower bound 4.3 6.0

12 Donatella Lucchesi12 May 9 2006 Where CDF can find new Resources  Working on strategies to improve resources utilization:  One-pass production  Centralized ntuple production  Run dependent Monte Carlo production  Access GRID Resources  Merge several GlideCAF into one: Transversal firewall, scalability issues under study Fermilab - San Diego CMS group project  lcgcaf: use gLite resource broker same cdf user interface but code re-written MC produced by power users up to now CDF-Italy and INFNGrid project

13 Donatella Lucchesi13 May 9 2006 Lcgcaf design Developers: F. Delli Paoli, D. Jeans, S. Sarkar and I. Sfiligoi advices

14 Donatella Lucchesi14 May 9 2006 Lcgcaf status  Resources available in Italy anything but T1: 617KSI2K Compare to T1: 1800 KSI2K  Usage up to now: Monte Carlo production for the B group started Sites used: Tier1 and Padova Stored for the moment at CNAF on Storage Element (SE) Plan for an automatic storage at FNAL GRID Efficiency: 97% Monte Carlo data can be produced outside CNAF

15 Donatella Lucchesi15 May 9 2006 Need for Physics Center Disk space: - BCHARM dataset and skimmed data are on disk - size of these datasets is scaled using luminosity, logging rate and event size What we need for B Data

16 Donatella Lucchesi16 May 9 2006 Need for Physics Center CDF has some disk space assigned at CNAF. Half of the already assigned resources are devoted to B data we ask for what is missing. Currently: 65 TB

17 Donatella Lucchesi17 May 9 2006 Need for Physics Center CPUs Total Tier1 from Mirco talk at CN1 6/7 Feb. 2006 CDF is not asking more than what already discussed and approved one year ago

18 Donatella Lucchesi18 May 9 2006 Manpower Fermilab: I. Sfiligoi, CDF-GRID and dCAF coordinator need a replacement San Diego group (CAF maintenance) need to be replaced R. Borgatti (SAM support at fnal) Contract at fnal? Italy: D. Lucchesi (coordination, SAM in Italy, data import) S. Sarkar (CNAF management, GlideCAF, disks, Tier1 Interaction) ends in July 06, new AR requested. F. Delli Paoli (lcgcaf management, CDF code maintenance) ends in September 06 D. Jeans (GlideCaf-disk-user interface) ends in March 07 L. Brigliadori (support CNAF management) end January 07

19 Donatella Lucchesi19 May 9 2006 BACKUP

20 Donatella Lucchesi20 May 9 2006 CDF Data recording Integrated Luminosity Per detector by Oct 09 Peak inst. lum record 1.8  10 32 cm -2 s -1 total delivered: 1.6 fb -1 /expt total recorded: 1.3 fb -1 /expt

21 Donatella Lucchesi21 May 9 2006 Lower bound Resources requests

22 Donatella Lucchesi22 May 9 2006 Lower bound Resources requests

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