2010 Construction Contract Standards Training Part 2 TOOLS October 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 Construction Contract Standards Training Part 2 TOOLS October 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 Construction Contract Standards Training Part 2 TOOLS October 2012

2 This training is to provide you an Overview of Existing and the New Tools 2010 Bid Item List Index for 2010 SSPs SP_TEMPLATE

3 2010 Bid Item List Internet/Intranet: located under Guidance Documents http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/esc/oe/standards.php http://oe.dot.ca.gov In Excel files by alpha and numeric Bid Item List Updates file updated Sept. 2012

4 2010 Bid Item List (Continued) Database: use FMPro OE access key located under HQ Const. Stds. tab updated Sept. 2012

5 2010 Bid Item List (Continued) Contract Item Codes http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/esc/oe/awards Supplemental Work & State Furnished items will continue to use 2006 information

6 2010 Bid Item List (Continued) Contract Item Codes/Bid Item List List of all coded contract items Non-standard items continue to be handled as before. Numeric/alpha code ~ 390133A Do not use old one-time numbers provided by Award unit. One-time numbers begin with zero ~ 024152 Obsolete/old item codes are not to be used

7 2010 Bid Item List (Continued) Information listed: Item No Partial or Final Pay Item (P/F): use as guidance only (for partial pay and final pay items refer to RTL Guide) Item Description Unit Pay: unique item description and payment Section: is set forth by bid item updated Sept. 2012

8 2010 Bid Item List (Continued) Practice of Reviewing: Use posted version of the 2010 Bid Item List Compare district Engineers Estimate to the 2010 Bid Item List and verify if all BEES items are valid Some items have complete item code changes Example: Sand Cover – 370001 (before -365001) Listed bid item enacts specification Non-standard bid item: use SSP 1-1.01 which contains table to list all non-standard bid items

9 Index for 2010 SSPs Internet: located under the ssp index folder http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/esc/oe/specifications/S SPs/2010-SSPs Information listed: 2010 SSP No. Owner Code Category & Date Description Instructions for Sections updated Sept. 2012

10 Index for 2010 (Continued) Follow index order when assembling applicable SSPs ~ numerical sequence Special Notices (SN) Most are automated Those that need to be manually inserted must be submitted as a separate word document Standard Plans List (StdPln) Inserted before SP_TEMPLATE updated Sept. 2012

11 Index for 2010 (Continued) RSS: Revised Standard Specifications (formally known as Amendments) Inserted by boiler SP_TEMPLATE: Base template to build project 1-1.01: Bid item and applicable section Some additional information on SSPs: Railroad Relations – SSP & RSS (section 5-1.20C) Search for conditional Instruction for inclusion of StdPln – find under the historical SSP ~ design guidance updated Sept. 2012

12 SP_TEMPLATE: Internet: located under the ssp_read first folder http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/esc/oe/specifications/ SSPs/2010-SSPs/ Base template for creating SSP package Insert special provisions (SP) between corresponding headings and caret separations Do not renumber Divisions or Sections No longer necessary to sequentially number SSPs

13 SP_TEMPLATE (continued): Spacing and carets between Divisions and Sections Shorter carets – sections; longer carets - divisions

14 SP_TEMPLATE (continued): Strike & Hide (S&H) divisions and section headings along with carets Do not renumber remaining sections S&H introductory statement (RAD – Replace, Add, Delete) when S&H paragraph Introductory statement updated Sept. 2012

15 SP_TEMPLATE (continued): Example of insertion and S&H (deletions)

16 SP_TEMPLATE (continued): Insert StdPln: before SP_TEMPLATE Un-strike & hide Std Plan sheets Insert 1-1.01: List bid items and applicable sections that do not correspond to spec section or for those with non-standard items Items are in table format Un-strike & hide bid items Non-standard item added to the bottom of table

17 SP_TEMPLATE (continued): SPP 1-1.01 (continued): Bid items that do not correspond to applicable spec sections Un-strike & hide bid items Example - item 070012 and 074017 first two digits do not match section updated Sept. 2012

18 Base Template (continued): SPP 1-1.01 (continued): Non-standard item and it’s one-time code List items with numeric/alpha code, description and applicable section at bottom of table Replace item code with one-time item code If an addendum revises non-std item code, SSP will need to be revised as part of the addendum

19 2010 & 2006 review Install specification templates 2010_template - located under templates http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/esc/oe/specifications/tools/20 10_temp.php 2006_SSP_template - located under templates http://oe.dot.ca.gov/Contract_Standards_Development/l atest_templates_macros/ http://oe.dot.ca.gov/Contract_Standards_Development/l atest_templates_macros/ http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/esc/oe/specifications/tools/ Install normal and macro2007: same for both http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/esc/oe/specifications/tools/20 10_temp.php http://oe.dot.ca.gov/Contract_Standards_Development/l atest_templates_macros

20 2010 & 2006 review (cont.) Styles – use Style Guide 2010 Bid Item List - NEW Item codes for SW & SF are same as 2006 SP_TEMPLATE - NEW 1-1.01 - NEW 0-RSS - Revised Standard Specifications Submittal of subsequent documents should be a separate word file Discourage use of document map


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