…. How Important Is Prayer?  Jesus prayed  Daily, many times Mk 1:35 Mt 14:23  Before major decisions Lk 6:12-13  The apostles prayed Acts 6:4,

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3 How Important Is Prayer?  Jesus prayed  Daily, many times Mk 1:35 Mt 14:23  Before major decisions Lk 6:12-13  The apostles prayed Acts 6:4, 6 2:42

4 How Important Is Prayer?  It is commanded of N.T. saints 1 Thess 5:17 1 Tim 2:1-8 Lk 18:1

5 How Powerful Is Prayer?  It delivers from temptation Mt 26:41  Jesus’ concern was not Himself v. 39b  His concern was for His disciples  He wanted them to be alert…prayer would help them avoid temptation

6 How Powerful Is Prayer?  It helps erring saints gain forgiveness Acts 8:22 1 Jn 1:8-9  Simon taught to seek God’s mercy  He realized prayer’s power…he asked the apostles to pray also  Failure to confess sin is deceitful

7 How Powerful Is Prayer?  It can possibly change the mind of God Num 14:11-20 2 Kings 20:1-7  Whether praying for self or others, how do we not know that a righteous man’s petitions might change the will of God? Jas 5:16

8 How Powerful Is Prayer?  It can secure God’s help Acts 12:1-16  Saints’ prayer was answered miraculously  Our prayer can be answered providentially

9 What Can Thwart Prayer’s Power?  Sin in our lives  Because God will not have fellowship with sin, our “lines of communication” with Him will be cut off if we persist in sinful living 1 Jn 1:5 Isa 59:1-2 1 Pet 3:9-12

10 What Can Thwart Prayer’s Power?  Doubt, or an unforgiving heart Mk 11:23-26  The last week of Jesus’ earthly life  The lesson Ù no limitation can be placed on the man who has deep faith in God…lives accordingly

11 What Can Thwart Prayer’s Power?  Doubt, or an unforgiving heart Mk 11:23-26  Casting mountains into the sea is not a specific objective of God’s will  The point was to illustrate God’s power working through believers

12 What Can Thwart Prayer’s Power?  Doubt, or an unforgiving heart Mk 11:23-26  To doubt makes one double-minded Jas 1:5-8

13 What Can Thwart Prayer’s Power?  Doubt, or an unforgiving heart Mk 11:23-26  Jesus also emphasized the danger of having an unforgiving nature  God won’t hear our prayers if we do not forgive Mt 5:7 18:21-35

14 What Can Thwart Prayer’s Power?  Failures in human relationships 1 Pet 3:7  We have responsibilities re: how we treat others  Husbands mistreating their wives hinders their prayers

15 Conclusion  The word “powerful” usually reserved for topics with inherent strength  Yet, prayer is “powerful”  Not because of who is praying  But because of the One to whom we pray

16 Conclusion  It is in prayer where we understand where our real strength lies Eph 6:10, 18-19  Don’t discount the power of prayer!


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